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“We Were Never Asked” – Mass Migration Poses Existential Threat to Western Civilization



InfoWars correspondent and Border Hawk President Dan Lyman delivered a powerful speech at the VDARE 2023 Summer Conference at Berkeley Springs Castle in West Virginia.

Rampant mass migration from the Third World poses one of the greatest imminent and long-term threats to our nations. The government-media complex works day and night to obfuscate the truth about how dire our predicament is, employing a stunning array of propaganda weaponry to keep Westerners in the dark.”

“We shouldn’t have to live like this. We were never asked if we wanted our homelands to be transformed the way that they are.”

Read the full transcript, complete with citations and links, at

Scott Bennett, former military psyop operative, joins The Alex Jones Show to discuss the dark implications behind the failed Wagner coup.

Read the full article here
