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Watch: Somali Illegals Declare Support For Biden, Rep. Ilhan Omar at Panama Migrant Staging Camp



Somali migrants making their way to the U.S. southern border praised Joe Biden and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) at a staging camp in Panama.

Independent journalist Laura Loomer traveled to the Darién Gap to document the coordinated mass migrant invasion of the U.S border.

During her reporting, she encountered a group of Islamic Somali migrants at a camp in Panama, where one English-speaking migrant explained how it cost each them $15,000 to fly from Somalia to Brazil, then travel up through Central America and Mexico until they reach the Texas border.

They were also quick to proclaim their support for Biden and their fellow Somali-born Rep. Omar.

The migrant said he had relatives in Minneapolis, which is in Omar’s district.

“I want to be like her,” he said of Omar.

“So you guys want to be like Ilhan Omar?” Loomer asked the group, who all responded “yeah.”

“She’s one of us,” the migrant explained. “She’s from Somalia. She went by immigration, then she became a congresswoman, so I want to be like her.”

“You want to work in politics in America?” Loomer asked.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” the migrant replied. “For now I don’t have any choice, but if I go there and find this place to be a politician, then of course yeah.”

The migrants also expressed their support for Biden,

“He’s a good president, too,” the migrant said. “I don’t follow American politics, but I can see a good president…because he’s trying to help.”

“I feel good, because I’m getting a better life there [in America],” he added.

When asked who whether former President Donald Trump or Biden was better for illegal immigrants, the migrant responded, “Biden, of course.”

“So you came because Joe Biden said our borders were open?” Loomer asked.

“Yeah, yeah,” the migrant said.

Omar recently faced backlash after proclaiming that she’s “Somalia First” and Muslim second before the country she was elected to represent.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration announced plans to provide a record 6 million illegal aliens with free medical services, food and housing.

No wonder illegals love Biden — some even admitted they plan to vote for him despite not being eligible to vote in the U.S.

Read the full article here
