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Watch: Man Sneaks Back Into Bohemian Grove, Exposes Member Roster, Group Photos



A man who covertly infiltrated the secretive elitist Bohemian Club deep within California’s Redwood Forest last year returned for another clandestine visit, this time filming group photos of members and other things of interest.

On his latest nighttime excursion to the yearly exclusive invitation-only all-men’s resort, the man who goes by the handle “dancer” on YouTube expressed he would be infiltrating the premises via the front entrance, instead of via a kayak as he did previously due to recent rains.

RELATED – Video: Man Sneaks Into Bohemian Grove, Finds Site of Bizarre Pagan Ritual

Dancer notes his previous trip was discussed on a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, where host Joe Rogan labeled him a “loon” for using a cast iron frying pan as a makeshift paddle to steer his canoe.

The man tours the grounds and locates several classic vehicles likely used to shuttle members around the vast 2,700-acre compound.

At one point, a map on the man’s phone shows his location in reference to the Bohemian Grove Club House.

The man enters unkempt cabins in an area dubbed “Camp Hideaway” and proceeds to rifle through drawers where he locates flyers for Bohemian Club performances as well as photos of members.

Dancer finds a list of members of the Moro Camp, complete with photos and brief descriptions of each member.

He also locates a framed poster featuring an owl that reads:

“A wise owl lived in an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can’t we be like this old bird?”

The poem’s meaning is similar to the club’s motto, “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here,” which instructs members not to disclose occurrences within the club.

Amid his first secret visit, the man explored the site of the Cremation of Care ritual, where he discovered the infamous owl statue in front of which members burn a human effigy.

During his latest visit, he located posters advertising the event.

He also returned to the site of the ceremony and inspected the altar where the effigy is burned during the procession, which carries an inscription reading, “To remember Richard Petaling, high priest at this altar.”

Dancer also enters a cabin displaying NSFW artwork that he later blurs out for not being “child friendly.”

At one point the man comes across a security guard who’s asleep at his guard post, exclaiming, “Oh my God, oh my God, there’s a security guard right there and he’s passed out. He was passed out asleep. That’s fuckin’ hilarious.”

“Yeah, I peeked my head over that window and there’s a security guard and he was just sleeping and there was a cat like right next to him.”

When the man sees flashlights appearing to search for him, he decides it’s time to leave to avoid the police potentially arriving with dogs to search for him.

Watch the full video:

The man’s investigation takes a page out of the book of Infowars host Alex Jones, who first infiltrated the Grove and released hidden camera footage of the Cremation of Care ritual in his 2000 documentary, “Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.”

Here’s archive footage of Jones confronting Bohemian Grove member David Gergen in 2000 following his own successful infiltration:

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