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Watch: CNN Triggered Aaron Rodgers Called Dr. Hotez A ‘Bum’ For Refusing To Debate RFK Jr.



CNN criticized NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers for calling “vaccine expert” Dr. Peter Hotez “unhealthy” and saying Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “would mop this bum” in a debate on Covid vaccines.

The chyron at the bottom of CNN’s feed read, “NFL Star Aaron Rodgers Attacks ‘Bum’ Vaccine Scientist For Debunking RFK Jr.’s Vaccine Misinfo.”

Of course, Dr. Hotez has not debunked any claims made by Kennedy and will not debate the Democrat candidate despite over two million dollars being pledged towards the hypothetical discussion.

Rodgers posted the remarks to his Instagram story earlier this week.

Responding to the Rodgers jab, Dr. Hotez wrote on Twitter Wednesday, “Disappointed he took a cheap shot vs me this wk. In 2021 during our awful delta wave we were losing 2,000 Americans/day, >80% among unvaccinated, when vaccines were 90% protective vs death/serious illness, I criticized him for his public antivaccine stance.”

“This is so unnecessary, I have no bad thoughts for Aaron, I needed to speak out in 2021 to try and save lives. 200,000 unvaccinated Americans needlessly perished during those delta BA.1 waves in last half of 2021 early 2022. I detail this in my new book,” the insanely wealthy doctor continued.

While the spineless vaccine pusher played the victim after Rodgers called him out, it was Hotez who fired the first shot back in 2021 when he claimed on CNN the quarterback “went down a rabbit hole” on vaccines and touted “far-right extremist views.”

The modern American left cannot defend their ideology or policies on a level playing field which is why they have adopted a cult-like stance of refusing to debate from Dr. Hotez and RFK Jr. to Joe Biden and the DNC failing to host presidential debates in next year’s primary.

Don’t miss Infowars’ exclusive interview from this weekend where activist Alex Rosen described his encounter with Dr. Hotez.

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