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Watch: CNN & MSNBC Freak Out Over Judge Blocking Biden Regime From Coordinating Censorship With Big Tech



Panels on CNN and MSNBC did not react well Wednesday to a federal judge’s ruling to block the Biden administration from coordinating with social media companies to censor Americans.

U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty ruled Tuesday that the Biden administration likely violated the First Amendment by colluding with Big Tech companies to censor speech it didn’t like during the COVID plandemic, calling it “Orwellian.”

“This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech,” the judge noted. “American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country…the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario.”

Rather than celebrate the judge’s efforts to protect free speech from an overreaching government, the CNN panel took pains to smear the judge’s deicison and downplay his harsh criticism of the Biden administration’s censorship efforts.

“It’s a dramatic decision by this judge if you read through it. He’s citing literature, to George Washington and Ben Franklin. Here’s what really is astonishing to me. This is a conservative ideology that clearly comes through in this decision. It’s a conservative political ideology,” said CNN senior legal analyst Eli Honig.

“We saw some of the quotes questioning vaccines, questioning masks — conservative talking points. But the ruling itself is the opposite of judicial conservatism. This is one of the most aggressive far-reaching rulings you’ll ever see. [He’s] purporting to micromanage the day-to-day intersection between the entire Executive Branch [& social media companies].”

Honig doesn’t seem to understand that “conservative talking points” are protected by the First Amendment the same as any other form of speech.

Meanwhile, the stooges at MSNBC went on even more unhinged rants against the judge’s ruling.

Reporter Ryan J. Reilly discussed how Biden can work around the preliminary injunction for Biden to continue censoring Americans if it’s framed as a “national security issue.”

Author and MSNBC contributor Walter Isaacson claimed the judge’s decision to protect free speech “goes too far,” arguing that the government has its own “free speech” that allows it to “push back when they see things on social media they think are dangerous.”

The Department of Homeland Security, one of the main agencies that worked with Big Tech to censor speech, decreed last year in an internal intelligence bulletin that some free speech, including criticism of the 2020 election and “government overreach,” are potential signs of terrorism.

The mainstream media’s role is no longer to hold the powerful accountable and defend free speech, but to protect the powerful and denigrate free speech as “dangerous.”

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