Video: Devastating Compilation Contrasts Crack Smoking Hunter with Joe Biden Anti-Drug Speech

A video compilation circulating on social media contrasts a speech made on the floor of the US Senate by former Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), in which he discussed jailing people who committed drug offenses, with footage of his son Hunter smoking crack cocaine.
The footage features Joe Biden speaking on the Senate floor in June 1991 bragging about anti-drug laws he and Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) passed increasing penalties on drug possession.
Here’s Biden’s 1991 testimony:
Here’s a transcript from that testimony:
But let’s look at the facts since 1986. Congress has passed over 230 new or expanded penalties for drug and criminal offenses in the United States. These penalties range from an automatic five years in jail for any person caught with a rock of crack cocaine, a piece of crack cocaine as small as a quarter. I don’t have a quarter, but maybe if you visualize what one looks like, yeah, I do have a quarter. If you have a piece of crack cocaine no bigger than this quarter that I’m holding in my hand—one quarter of one dollar—we passed the law through the leadership of Senator Thurmond and myself and others, a law that says if you’re caught with that, you go to jail for five years. You get no probation, you get nothing other than five years in jail. The judge doesn’t have a choice.
Now, the fact of the matter is we’ve gone from there all the way up to saying, under the leadership of Senator Thurmond, and I’d like to suggest that I’ve taken some small credit for it myself as well, and others, the presiding officer, that there is now a death penalty. We passed it a couple of years ago. If you are a major drug dealer involved in the trafficking of drugs and murder results from your activities, you go to death, and a number of other severe penalties.
We changed the law so that if you are arrested and you are a drug dealer, under our forfeiture statutes, the government can take everything you own—from your car to your house to your bank account—not merely what they confiscate in terms of the dollars from the transaction that you just got caught engaging in. They can take everything.
We have laws in the last several years where we don’t allow judges discretion to sentence people. Flat time sentencing. You get caught, you go to jail.
Fast-forward to June 2023, 32 years after his floor speech, and Biden is now president and affording his son the leniency of the Justice Department, which on Tuesday essentially gave a slap on the wrist to his son Hunter, who faced federal gun charges and tax fraud.
Read the full article here