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US Senator Threatened to ‘Kick the Sh*t’ Out of Biden For Groping Wife



Former U.S. Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) said he once threatened Joe Biden with a beatdown after the former vice president to Barack Obama fondled his wife during a swearing-in ceremony.

Brown touched on the incident during an interview with Tom Shattuck’s Burn Barrel podcast Thursday, confirming he once told the current US president to back off after he got “handsy” with his wife.

Discussing how people are creeped out by Biden’s perverted antics toward women and children, Shattuck inquired about the years-old happening which Brown appeared reticent to discuss.

“[I] think people are irked out about all the hair sniffing and things when he went overseas. I think women are skeeved out by that stuff. He’s not a good guy. You know him,” Shattuck told Brown.

“I did know him,” Brown responded.

“I spent quite a bit of time with him. I enjoyed his company. But that’s not Joe Biden,” he said, referring to Biden’s obvious age-induced senility.

“We all know people who have dementia and have the beginning of Alzheimer’s, and he’s got it. I mean, it’s the walk. It’s the way he’s mumbling, his angry outbursts. And it’s a shame that we can’t do better in this great country,” he added.

Shattuck next asked Brown to recall an incident he’d previously discussed with Boston Herald Radio where Biden reportedly got “handsy” with his wife, Gail Huff Brown.

“When you got sworn in as senator, was he like hair-sniffing Gail? Or handsy with Gail?” Shattuck asked.

“Yeah, I told him I’d kick the shit out– beat– I told him to stop. So, yes,” the former senator responded.

“Did you really? Go through it again, if you don’t mind,” Shattuck told Brown encouraging him to share the story.

“No, no, it’s old news,” Brown replied, adding, “Yes, he didn’t act the way I thought he should. And we called him on it, and that’s it.”

“You called him on it to his face, right there?” Shattuck asked.

“Oh yeah, sure, of course,” Brown answered.

While it’s certainly refreshing to know not all US congressmen are spineless cowards, the pervert who groped Brown’s wife has now been put in charge of the entire uni-party establishment, the military industrial complex and the corrupt Deep State apparatus.

Here’s a compilation documenting the current groper-in-chief’s creepy behavior:

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Read the full article here
