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U.S. Senator Under Fire For Sharing Infowars Exclusive Warning Of Impending Covid Lockdowns!



Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee is being attacked by Democrat voters, politicians and mainstream media after he shared an Infowars article on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Lee reposted a screenshot of the Infowars headline along with the caption, “Over my lifeless body.”

The headline of the Infowars article he shared reads, “EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Preparing to Bring Back FULL Covid Restrictions, Rollout to Begin Mid-September.”

The exclusive report explained, “Whistleblowers from the TSA and Border Patrol have raised the alarm to Infowars that the Biden administration is setting the stage for full Covid lockdowns that will begin with incremental restrictions like masking TSA employees in mid-September.”

Both whistleblowers were told this rollout will be in tandem with the new Covid “variant” hysteria promoted by the MSM.

Then, during Friday’s live transmission of The Alex Jones Show, the eponymous host explained his sources were told federal employees will soon be ordered to wear masks as the stage is set for more hardcore measures.

Watch the Friday show segment below:

Despite providing a detailed account of where he learned of the incoming Covid lockdowns and how they would be introduced, outlets like The Salt Lake Tribune (SLT) called the Infowars report “misinformation.”

“The original article and accompanying video do not provide any evidence to back up” Jones’ claims, according to the newspaper.

Democrat Utah state Rep. Brian King attacked Lee for using Infowars as a source, writing, “Infowars is your source for such garbage? Please. Even you are better than this. Stop peddling misinformation.”

Paid Democrat operative Ed Krassenstein claimed it is “dangerous” to see Lee sharing an Infowars article and claimed those who believe Biden will bring back Covid restrictions are “living under a rock.”

Media Matters for America Senior Researcher Alex Kaplan was clearly triggered by Lee “amplifying Infowars content.”

The SLT hit piece was laughably published on Monday after several news stories corroborating Jones’ intel were released.

In fact, within hours of Jones warning his Infowars audience more Covid restrictions are coming, a University Hospital in Syracuse, New York, reinstated mask mandates.

Friday night, mainstream outlets pumped fear into the hearts of Americans by announcing, “Covid is making a comeback this summer,” and asking, “When will new booster shots roll out?”

A hospital in Dublin, Ireland reintroduced Covid-related visiting restrictions this week after merely three patients reportedly came down with the virus, and a college in Atlanta, Georgia brought back masks, social distancing and other hardcore measures despite no students or staff having Covid.

The Biden administration on Monday publicly called for citizens to get another Covid booster jab this fall.

It was also revealed on Monday that the Biden administration has already begun purchasing COVID-19 equipment and hiring advisors on “safety protocols.”

Journalist Natalie Winters of War Room writes, “Some of the contracts, which are traceable via the federal government’s spending database, are even scheduled to begin in future months such as September and October.”

While the writing is on the wall regarding the next wave of Covid lockdowns, mainstream media can’t help but cry “conspiracy” any time Alex Jones or Infowars are mentioned.

Of course, that didn’t stop “Do Not Comply” from trending on social media over the weekend as citizens voiced their intentions to resist masks, jabs and other draconian Covid policies following Jones’ warning.

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Read the full article here
