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Tucker Was Right! Rep. Crenshaw LIED About Intel Agencies Manipulating U.S. News Coverage



Tucker Carlson and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) got into a spat last week over the TikTok ban bill, with the former Fox News host calling the Texas congressman a “liar” for claiming that U.S. intelligence agencies don’t meddle in domestic news coverage.

Carlson highlighted Crenshaw’s defense of the bill, specifically his remark that the intelligence community doesn’t manipulate U.S. news coverage.

Crenshaw predictably fired back on X, claiming Tucker was simply “lying for attention” and that the TikTok ban bill wouldn’t grant the federal government the ability to shut down news outlets.

But Tucker Carlson is RIGHT: Crenshaw’s particular comment that U.S. intelligence agencies don’t meddle in domestic news coverage is a spectacularly demonstrable whopper of a lie.

Alex Jones weighs in on Crenshaw’s lies:

The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which authorized the State Department to propagandize foreign countries as a matter of public diplomacy, was amended in 2012 by the Obama administration to direct the use of propaganda towards U.S. citizens.

Even before that, the CIA attempted to manipulate domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes during its Operation Mockingbird program, which began in the early years of the Cold War.

But amending of the Smith-Mundt Act in 2012 opened the floodgates for the CIA and other intelligence agencies to conduct sweeping psychological and propaganda operations against the American people.

Here are a few examples from just the last few years alone.

Russia Collusion Hoax

It recently was revealed that CIA Director Brennan had foreign intelligence agencies illegally spy on Donald Trump and his associates during his 2016 campaign, long before the FBI launched its bogus “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, which the media used to smear Trump as a “Russian agent” for years during his term.

Former FBI Director James Comey in 2017 also secretly orchestrated a “leak” to The New York Times of negative memos he said he wrote about President Trump, with the motive of spurring the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the president’s alleged Russia ties, which lasted three years and provided plenty of baseless anti-Trump headlines.

Meanwhile, the Russia collusion hoax was used by Congress to ratify the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act in 2016, which inevitably has been directed against the American people.

Hunter Biden Laptop

In October 2020, Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” was published by the New York Post, containing damning revelations of shady foreign business dealings involving the Biden family.

But 50 former intelligence officials penned a letter dismissing the report on Hunter’s laptop as “Russian disinformation” and the federal government coordinated with social media companies to censor the report, which tangibly effected the outcome of the 2020 election.

That campaign is now widely recognized as election interference by the intelligence community.

COVID Plandemic

The COVID pandemic was a large-scale psychological and biological warfare operation by world government health agencies, intelligence agencies, the U.S. military, and the corporate media to coerce billions of people to take an experimental gene therapy injection and reorient the global economy towards the globalist “Great Reset” model.

During the years-long campaign, it was revealed that the CIA bribed analysts and journalists to lie about the origins of the COVID-19 Wuhan lab leak.

A federal court also found the Biden regime coordinated with Big Tech companies to censor any dissent against lockdowns, the experimental vaccines, alternative Covid treatments, masks, and more to curate the news narrative as they saw fit.

Trump himself recognized the pattern, and last June accused the intelligence agencies of running “illegal psychological warfare operations against the American people” for the last 7 years with the help of the media following his slew of indictments brought forward by leftist DAs and special counsel Jack Smith.

“This persecution is being done by the same weaponized agencies that for 7 years have been running illegal psychological warfare campaigns against the American people,” Trump said.

“It’s all been a battle of disinformation. One thing after the other, and all to protect the radical left misfits,” he added.

Remember, former CIA Director Mike Pompeo even gave away the game in 2019 when he admitted that the CIA lies to the American people on a routine basis.

In the following Sunday tweet posted by Scott Adams, see if you can identify which of the dozens of recent media hoaxes were quarterbacked by the intelligence agencies:

Crenshaw is just a pawn the intelligence agencies who gaslights the American people as a matter of course.

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