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‘That’s A Wow’: CNN Anchor Shocked After Biden Loses to ‘Uncommitted’ in Michigan County



A CNN anchor covering developments in Tuesday night’s Democrat Primary election in Michigan was surprised to find Democrat voters favored the “uncommitted” option over puppet President Joe Biden by over 50 points in one county.

Reporting on the results out of Wayne County, where the city of Dearborn is home to the highest concentration of Muslim voters in the state, CNN’s John King audibly gasped as he entered vote tallies on a screen showing Biden received 1,141 votes compared to 3,703 votes for “uncommitted.”

“So that’s a wow,” King exclaimed, going on to show Biden only received 23% of the vote compared to 75% of citizens voting for uncommitted.

“This is just the city of Dearborn,” King pointed out, adding, “But that is where the biggest pocket of the Muslim-American, the Arab-American population.”

Suggesting the outcome negatively portends for Biden, King continued, “This is a place President Biden carried big-time in 2020; this is key to his chances of defeating Donald Trump in Michigan.”

In a separate CNN segment, a reporter explained the discrepancy was due to a protest vote by Muslims expressing dissatisfaction with Biden’s support of Israel in its war with Palestinians in Gaza.

Things didn’t look any better for Sleepy Joe in the rest of the state, where over 100,000 voters selected “uncommitted” over Biden, bringing the swing state of Michigan back into play for GOP nominee and former president Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, Trump comparatively had a great night in the Great Lakes State, easily trouncing long-shot Republican opponent Nikki Haley 68% to 26%.

Michigan’s primary results will no doubt serve as a wake-up call for Democrats that they have to revamp their foreign policy strategy going into November, as voters openly reject their Israel First agenda.

Read the full article here
