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Obama to CNN: Trump Indictment Proves ‘Nobody Above The Law’



Former President Barack Obama, no stranger to criminality, claimed the federal indictment of ex-President Donald Trump represented a victory for the justice system, saying the case proved “nobody is above the law.”

Obama was asked by the prosecutorial witch hunt against his successor by CNN’s Christine Amanpour on Thursday.

“The spectacle of a former president being federally indicted. How is the rest of the world, the democratic world, maybe even the non-democratic world meant to interpret that indictment and indeed the fact that a federal indictee is running, is able to run for the highest office in the land, maybe even the world?” Amanpour asked.

“It’s less than ideal,” Obama superficially admitted, going on to bash Trump.

“But the fact that we have a former president who is having to answer to charges brought by prosecutors does uphold the basic notion that nobody is above the law,” he said.

Continuing, Obama insisted Trump would now be fairly judged by the rigged judicial system that has routinely been weaponized to destroy him.

“And the allegations will now be sorted out through a court process. And I think I’m more concerned when it comes to the United States with the fact that not just one particular individual is being accused of undermining existing laws, but that more broadly we’ve seen, whether it’s through the gerrymandering of districts, whether it’s trying to silence critics through changes in legislative process, whether it’s attempts to intimidate the press, a strand of anti-democratic sentiment that we’ve seen in the United States. It’s something that is right now most prominent in the Republican Party, but I don’t think it’s something that is unique to one party. I think there is less tolerance for ideas that don’t suit us.”

“And it’s sort of the habits of a free and open exchange of ideas and the idea that we all agree to the rules of the game, and even if the outcomes aren’t always the ones we like, we still abide by those rules. I think that’s weakened since I left office, and we’re gonna need to strengthen them again.”

The comments are Obama’s first remarks regarding the persecution of Trump who’s facing a maximum of 400 years in prison and a $9 million fine after being indicted on 37 counts including seven total criminal charges regarding his possession of classified documents.

Of course, no one is more familiar with being above the law than Obama. Despite engaging in drone strikes resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians in the Middle East, his involvement in the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups through the Lois Lerner scandal, and the Fast & Furious ATF gun-walking controversy that tragically claimed the life of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, not to mention any role he played in the phony Trump-Russia collusion witch hunt, Obama has managed to escape any consequences.

Check out other lowlights from Obama’s interview:

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