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MSM Betrays Biden Regime, Savages Spox’s Over Corruption Bombshells



With revelations that Joe Biden’s DOJ buried evidence of son Hunter tax crimes, and that Hunter demanded a CCP-linked associate wire funds while he was “sitting here with my father,” things have started looking very bad for the Bidens, very quickly.

With the exception of the NY Times‘ Nicholas Kristof, who unhinged his jaw to pen a full-throated defense of ‘poor drug-addict Hunter’ (who’s totally not an international FARA-violating bag-man for his family’s influence-peddling operation, allegedly), mainstream journalists went to town on both White House spox Karine Jean-Pierre and Pentagon spox John Kirby during Friday’s press briefing.

FirstKirby refused to answer questions before storming away from the podium.

I’m not going to comment further on this,” said Kirby, after he was asked if a WhatsApp message from Hunter which appears to demand payment from a Chinese businessman contradicted Joe Biden’s earlier claims that he and Hunter never discussed Hunter’s business dealings.

After Kirby ducked out, Jean-Pierre attempted damage control, only to be bombarded with repeat questions.

“I’m just not going to get into family discussion,” she said, when asked why Hunter attended a White House state dinner with Indian officials and AG Merrick Garland on Thursday night.

The press doubled down, with one reporter asking; “Kirby wouldn’t answer James’ question. Are you going to answer the question? It’s not an unreasonable question to ask if the president was involved, as this message seems to suggest, in some sort of coercive conversation for a business dealing by his son. If he wasn’t, maybe you should tell us?”

To which KJP repeatedly deflected, getting defensive at one point.

“It’s not up to you how I answer the question,” she snarked at one dissatisfied journalist.

Et tu NBC and CNN?

More via the Daily Wire;

Chairman Smith released whistleblower testimonies on Thursday from IRS agents who allege that the Justice Department has interfered in the investigation into Hunter and is suppressing evidence of the first son’s misdeeds.In part of the testimony from IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, the IRS agent claimed that investigators uncovered a July 30, 2017, WhatsApp message that Hunter sent to Henry Zhao, CEO of Harvest Fund Management.

I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight,” Hunter wrote to Zhao, according to Shapley’s testimony.

Hunter’s attorney did not deny the authenticity of the WhatsApp message in a statement to Fox News, though he did suggest that it was misleading or could be fake.

“Biased and politically-motivated, selective leaks have plagued this matter for years. They are not only irresponsible, they are illegal. A close examination of the document released publicly yesterday by a very biased individual raises serious questions over whether it is what he claims it to be. It is dangerously misleading to make any conclusions or inferences based on this document,” said Hunter’s attorney, Chris Clark. “The DOJ investigation covered a period which was a time of turmoil and addiction for my client.

“Any verifiable words or actions of my client in the midst of a horrible addiction are solely his own and have no connection to anyone in his family,” Clark added.

Read the full article here
