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Maher: Biden Should Stay in His Basement Because ‘He F*cks Up’



Late night talk show host Bill Maher said Friday that Joe Biden would be better off hiding in his basement for the duration of his 2024 presidential campaign.

On HBO’s “Real Time” broadcast, Maher explained that Biden’s State of the Union was a success only because he had a teleprompter in front of him, and that he should remain out of the public eye for the remainder of his campaign.

“I think the strategy that Joe Biden should employ if he wants to win this election is just to come out every once in a while. I’ve been — when I first said he is going to be Ruth Bader Biden — and I still think that may be the possibility, I still think we still would do better with a younger candidate, but okay, maybe not, we’ll see,” Maher said.

“He did well last night. But everybody said, and I said, well, he can — I don’t think he’s doing a bad job as President, he can do the job, I don’t think he can win the job, because it’s a grueling thing to run for President.”

“And everyone said, yeah, well, he can’t do what he did last time because there was a pandemic, stay in his basement,” Maher continued. “Yes he can. No one gives a shit about that, …the chattering classes will talk about it, and the public will [say,] what do I care, I don’t want to watch this all the time anyway, I don’t need to see him every day, he doesn’t need to go around the country.”

“Stay where you are, every once in a while, make a speech like this. Trump proved in 2016 — he saved all his money and put one big ad at the end and people liked it better, they weren’t sick of him,” he added.

Maher also said Biden shouldn’t do many interviews or press conferences before the election “because he f*cks up.”

“That’s a terrible strategy. This was great, it was on the teleprompter, and once in a while, they played right into his hands, somebody heckles him, he can riff, because he’s not too feeble to do that,” Maher claimed “But being on the [campaign trail], one bad piece of fish, one slip on the ice, one slip of the tongue, which he does all the time, they’ll just – I think it’s better to have them say you’re a zombie than to look like one.”

Read the full article here
