Maher Admits ‘There Is a Deep State’ of Bureaucratic ‘Tyrants’ Who Ignore The People

HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher acknowledged there is a deep state he characterized as “the bureaucratic class that justifies its existence by making up new rules” made up of “petty tyrants” who ignore the will of the American people.
Near the end of his Friday show, Maher used a straw man fallacy to diminish conservative’s concerns of the weaponized intelligence agencies, instead saying the real deep state is comprised of legions of bureaucrats within the federal government.
“It’s time to admit that here in America, there really is such a thing as the deep state, but it’s not the one MAGA nation is freaked out about. The FBI is not a bunch of closet radicals, it’s a bunch of guys who iron their underwear,” Maher said.
“Washington is a city full of big, stone buildings full of bureaucrats, but they’re not plotting against real Americans. They’re issuing passports, cutting Social Security checks, running the Census, updating maps, buying bullets for Ukraine, inspecting dog food, ordering blue plastic gloves for the TSA, and measuring the methane in cow farts.”
“But there is a deep state, which is the bureaucratic class that justifies its existence by making up new rules…it’s the vast network of regulators, administrators, inspectors, contract reviewers, project managers, fee [assessors], special commissioners, zoning officers, and consultants whose jobs seem to be to make sure nothing ever happens and then charge you for it. The people who answer the phone, permit office, how may I hinder you?” Maher continued.
“15% of workers in America work for the government, that’s 24 million people, with one shared vision: to fine you if your mailbox is too big. They say a conservative is a liberal who just got mugged, but it could also be a liberal who just got cockblocked trying to remodel a porch…or got a parking ticket because their car was facing out instead of in,” he added.
Of course, conservatives are well aware that the deep state is not just a cabal of weaponized intelligence agencies, but also the massive federal bureaucracy former Trump adviser Steve Bannon refers to as the “Administrative State.”
“It’s All A Convergence To Take Down The Deep State And The Administrative State.” Steve Bannon On Laying Groundwork For Trump’s 2nd Term Through Speakership
— Jayne Zirkle (@JayneZirkle) October 25, 2023
Maher and his liberal ilk are beginning to realize that bigger government isn’t necessarily better government.
Read the full article here