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Inside Sources Claim White House Cocaine Culprit Has Been Known For Weeks



A report published last week claimed White House sources know the identification of the person whose fingerprints showed up on the now infamous baggy of cocaine found in a secure area of the Executive Mansion.

Susan Katz Keating, former DC Examiner editor and current publisher of Soldier of Fortune Magazine, explained her “sources with direct knowledge of the investigation” confirmed White House officials know who left the drugs.

“We know who handled it,” a security source told Keating. “We’ve known since last week.”

That means the Biden administration has known who the culprit is for two weeks.

According to the outlet, “Two sources disclosed the name of the person who is believed to have handled the packet. Soldier of Fortune is withholding the name pending official confirmation.”

One source claimed a test of the cocaine bag was able to reveal fingerprints that were quickly matched to a person.

Soldier of Fortune filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with multiple agencies that would have details about the cocaine investigation on Wednesday.

If the reports are accurate, it would mean the Secret Service lied to Congress last week when it closed its investigation into the matter and announced they didn’t even have a suspect.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) stormed out of a congressional meeting after Secret Service announced the end of the investigation.

Burchett said, “They have facial identification, they have — y’all know you can’t go in there without giving your Social Security number, and they decided it’s just some weekend visitor. That’s bogus. Nobody’s buying that at all.”

Time will tell whether or not the American people ever get answers regarding this disgraceful incident.

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