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Illegal Alien Charged With Murder In Ohio – After SEVEN Prior Deportations



An illegal alien with an extensive criminal and deportation history has been charged with murder in Ohio, authorities say.

Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez, a 46-year-old Mexican national, was arrested on March 16 in connection with other offenses before investigators linked him to a recent murder in Hamilton, a city in Butler County, Ohio.

At a press conference last week, Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones used Garcia-Gutierrez as an example of the dangers and financial burdens Biden’s open borders are inflicting on his community and so many others across the nation.

“Garcia-Gutierrez has been deported seven times and he has been in our jail 11 times using seven different names and three different dates of birth,” Sheriff Jones revealed in a press release.

Garcia-Gutierrez was being held at the time in the Butler County Jail on weapon charges, drug possession, obstructing, and an immigration detainer.

“We don’t know if he has killed anybody, we don’t know what all he has done,” Jones said on Friday.

Jones’ assertions proved prescient as just days later, Garcia-Gutierrez was charged with aggravated murder, a first-degree felony.

Investigators believe that Garcia-Gutierrez killed a male victim on March 14, two days prior to his arrest for separate charges listed above.

On Monday, the body of the victim was discovered in a garage at a residence in Hamilton, according to local media.

Hamilton police interviewed Garcia-Gutierrez about the homicide on Tuesday and he was subsequently charged.

“These people (illegal immigrants) are not vetted, and released into our country bringing harm to us all,” Sheriff Jones warned.

An investigation and legal proceedings are ongoing.

InfoWars has been documenting the surge of crime fueled by the ongoing Biden border invasion.

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