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Hunter Biden Settles with Ex-Stripper Mother of His Child, Daughter Not Allowed to Use ‘Biden’ Surname



Hunter Biden’s four-year-old daughter Navy Joan will not be able to use her biological father’s politically powerful surname, according to a settlement reached in an Arkansas circuit court overseeing the dispute.

The Daily Mail reports a settlement was reached in the years-long paternity battle Monday that bars Navy, Hunter’s love child with ex-stripper Lunden Alexis Roberts, from using his name.

The news comes as reports last week claimed Roberts reduced the amount of Hunter’s child support payments from $20,000 a month to $5,000 after he cited “financial hardship.”

Roberts’ lawyer pushed back against those claims asserting no such agreement had yet been reached, however the deal now appears to have been settled.

“The confidential settlement means Hunter, 53, will avoid the scrutiny of a public paternity trial where details of his murky finances were likely to feature heavily,” notes The Mail.

The admitted crackhead reportedly met Roberts at the Mpire Club in Washington DC where she worked as a stripper at the time, then later as Hunter’s personal assistant.

Biden has since remained “estranged from the child,” stated a petition by Roberts’ attorney last December seeking to change Navy’s last name so she could “benefit from carrying the Biden family name,” as it is “now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful.”

After originally settling the case in 2019 and paying Roberts upwards of $750,000, the pair went back to court after Hunter sought to reduce his $20,000 child support payments claiming he’d sustained “a substantial material change” in his “financial circumstances.”

This “despite residing in a $12,000-per-month Hollywood apartment and driving a Porsche,” the Mail notes.

Roberts responded by requesting Navy’s surname change, with her request for discovery seeking financial disclosures concerning Hunter’s profits from art sales and his shady business deals with Ukraine and Chinese officials.

“Roberts is understood to have dropped her demand that daughter Navy change her surname to Biden, a request that had been rejected by Hunter’s legal team,” the Mail reports.

The pair went to court earlier this month to tape depositions on the case.

The Mail reports details of the court case “will become public within the next 24 hours” however, it will contain “heavy redactions to keep the full financial arrangements of four-year-old Navy Joan Roberts’ upbringing a secret.”

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