Hunter Biden Op-Ed A Pathetic Attempt At Shifting Focus From His Family’s Corruption To His Drug Addiction

Sleepy Joe Biden’s disgraced crackhead son Hunter released an op-ed published by USA Today on Thursday claiming Republicans are politically weaponizing his drug addiction as part of a disinformation campaign against his Deep State puppet president father.
In reality, the majority of the GOP’s focus has been on Hunter’s shady foreign business deals and apparent money laundering operation run by his father and uncle.
The First Son’s drug abuse and sexual escapades have actually served as a good distraction and cover for his more serious criminal behavior and the op-ed serves the same purpose.
The political operatives working with the Bidens understand most Americans actually sympathize with those suffering from addiction and are hoping to capitalize on their kindness by promoting his drug use in order to hide his multi-million dollar influence-peddling schemes.
In the USA Today piece, Hunter claimed ongoing congressional investigations into his business are “fruitless” and downplayed his recent criminal charges for possessing an “unloaded” gun “for 11 days five years ago.”
Of course, the firearm issue had nothing to do with ammunition or the length of time he possessed the gun but with the claim that he lied on a federal background check when purchasing the pistol.
Later in the op-ed Hunter claimed individuals like Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani are using his addiction as justification to spread nude photos of him and even claimed some of the images were “altered.”
Hunter’s nude photos have nothing to do with his addiction and were publicly shared to highlight it is a national security threat for a president’s offspring to be vulnerable to blackmail due to associating with sex traffickers and drug dealers.

The sob story mostly discussed Hunter coming to grips with sobriety (allegedly) and wanting to help others suffering from addiction.

However, as previously noted, most Americans are more concerned with the Biden Crime Family’s corrupt business deals with shady foreigners and their selling out America in exchange for massive profits.
While the nation is being distracted by Hunter’s nudes and crack binges, many are unaware of his connections with Ukrainian oligarchs, Chinese intelligence assets, the CIA, Ukrainian biolabs and much more.
Sleepy Joe’s son wasn’t a registered foreign agent when he raked in millions of dollars by providing Chinese and Ukrainian businessmen access to his father.
Republicans in Congress are not investigating Hunter’s drug abuse, but instead how his money ended up in Biden family bank accounts or why Joe’s brother James paid the POTUS back for “loans” within days of receiving large amounts of money from China.
From saying in leaked audio he was in business with “the fucking spy chief of China” to funding a company directly tied to the release of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is much more to Hunter Biden than crack and hookers.
Click the headlines below to see several Infowars articles published over the past few years exposing Hunter’s real scandals:
A light list!
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