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Huge! Latest Deep State Psyop Covers For Hunter Biden While Pushing Phony Trump-Russia Narrative



The full force of the American media and political establishment is simultaneously pushing the exact same narrative about the investigation into Hunter Biden, and it’s all based on the word of a Deep State plant “investigating” the corrupt First Son.

The new propaganda being rolled out revolves around recent felony charges brought against FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, who allegedly lied to his handlers about Joe Biden’s involvement in his son Hunter’s business partnership with Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

The most amazing part of the media blitz is that they’re all reporting Smirnov “lied” to the FBI and was “in contact with Russian intelligence” operatives based on the word of hand-picked Special Counsel David Weiss, who worked with Joe Biden’s eldest son, the deceased Beau Biden, for several years in Delaware.

A close aide to the Biden family was also embedded in the office of David Weiss for years during his time as a Delaware attorney.

Now, Weiss is conveniently claiming the FBI informant made up the claim that Joe Biden and Hunter were each paid $5 million from Burisma Holdings for “protection” during Sleepy Joe’s vice presidency and Hunter’s time on the board of the foreign energy company.

Without questioning the corrupt FBI and special counsel, almost every mainstream media outlet and Democrat politician has come forward calling for the entire theory of the Biden Crime Family to be totally disregarded.

Not only are they using this allegation of an FBI informant lying as a way to throw Americans off the scent of Hunter’s corruption, but they’re also now claiming the whole notion was all based on Russian disinformation and that every Republican and journalist who pushed it helped a foreign power by spreading the news.

They’re also again using the Russian connection to link Donald Trump to Putin for promoting Hunter corruption stories.

Democrat Senator Adam Schiff (CA) claimed Smirnov was “further discredited by ties to Russian intelligence” and asked without proof why the Kremlin has an “affinity for pro-Trump causes.”

Of course, Schiff has also frequently lied about the phony Trump-Russia collusion and spread the false claim Hunter’s infamous laptop was a Kremlin smear.

Former assistant to the attorney general of New York Tristan Snell alleged without proof that Smirnov “is a Kremlin asset” and demanded GOP Congressmen Jim Jordan (Ohio), Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and James Comer (Ky.) be subpoenaed for interviewing the FBI mole as part of their investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden.

The Community Notes feature of 𝕏 also caught Snell in a lie about the judge who let Smirnov go without bail being a Trump appointee, pointing out magistrate judges are not appointed by presidents.

Legal expert Jonathan Turley published an article in the New York Post Wednesday, explaining why the indictment of Smirnov wouldn’t exonerate the Bidens even if he DID lie to the feds.

Turley noted the Weiss court filing admits Smirnov was cooperating with his FBI handlers and communicating with them when he reportedly met with people connected with Russian intelligence, which would lead one to believe the Bureau was either setting up these meetings or at least gathering information from them.

He also pointed out Smirnov’s association with these individuals took place recently, which means there’s no way they were somehow feeding him misinformation regarding the Hunter Biden Burisma scandal that has been ongoing for years.

“Reports indicate that Smirnov was not only an asset of American intelligence but on the payroll for roughly a decade as a trusted informant,” Turley also stated.

Smirnov, who is an Israeli citizen, may very well be a tool of Mossad, U.S. intelligence and possibly even Russian intelligence as some sort of triple agent deeply involved in global espionage.

Turley concluded, “In relation to the influence-peddling investigation, this filing does not change the evidence that the Biden family made millions in shaking down foreign companies and business figures.”

Now, the Deep State appears to be throwing its asset under the bus in order to throw the scent off the Bidens and their collaborators.

Popular attorney and podcast host Viva Frei made the same conclusion, writing on social media, “Would you look at that… Smirnov was a Confidential Human Source for the FBI who was authorized to engage in illegal activity for ‘investigative purposes’. Now they are throwing him under the bus to protect the ‘big guy’. Quelle surprise!”

New York Times writer Alan Feuer questioned the special counsel’s detention memo for revealing more investigative details than necessary and suggested the feds are “going scorched earth incineration” on Smirnov and his contacts.

Feuer also wrote, “It’s remarkable that prosecutors quote what appear to be FD-1023s in their detention memo. Those docs, detailing interviews w/informants, are highly sensitive govt investigative records. The fact that they’re in this public filing means that USG is burning Smirnov to the ground.”

One portion of the new documents worth noting is that Smirnov told his FBI handler Russia has blackmail on “prominent U.S. persons” that could be used in the 2024 presidential election.

If the allegation is true, it’s relevant that Russian President Vladimir Putin recently admitted he’d prefer Joe Biden win the election over Donald Trump because the senile puppet is “more predictable” than the 45th President.

The media blitz came just a day ahead of Joe Biden’s brother Jim testifying on Capitol Hill Wednesday over his alleged involvement in the Biden family influence peddling racket.

Bank records, emails and audio recordings do not lie and there is a treasure trove of evidence showing the Biden crime family is up to its neck in corruption, including selling out America in exchange for millions of dollars.

As Jonathan Turley accurately stated, “Smirnov was not at the dinners and meetings where Joe Biden called in to chat. He was not the recipient of messages from Hunter threatening that his father was ‘sitting next to’ him and waiting for transfers of money. He was not the source of gifts and expense accounts to cover Hunter’s lavish lifestyle.”

There’s also the fact that former Hunter business partners Devon Archer and Tony Bobulinski both testified to Congress confirming access to then-Vice President Joe Biden was sold in exchange for lucrative contracts.

It’s more than obvious the political establishment is rolling out RussiaGate 2.0 just in time for the 2024 election in yet another sloppy Deep State disinformation campaign that will likely end with no results just like the first Bob Mueller Russia witch hunt.

Read the full article here
