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House Democrats Demand 1,000% Tax On Semiautomatic Rifles



Democrats in Congress reintroduced legislation imposing a 1,000% excise tax on the sale of “large capacity ammunition feeding devices and semiautomatic assault weapons.” 

US Rep. Don “Doug” Beyer, a Democrat from Virginia, and 24 other House Democrats introduced the bill on Friday. A similar bill was introduced by Beyer last year that would, of course, only mean wealthy elites and drug dealers could afford semiautomatic rifles (many of which are hunting rifles) while punishing middle and working-poor Americans. 

The text of the new bill, HR 5135, titled, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose an additional 1,000 percent excise tax on the sale of large capacity ammunition feeding devices and semiautomatic assault weapons, and for other purposes,” has yet to be released as of Monday. And it needs to be clarified if it’s the same as the one proposed by Beyer last summer.  

Under the proposed rule, semiautomatic rifles could cost more than $20,000, a tax Beyer has argued would “curb the epidemic of gun violence.” 

Although semiautomatic rifles like the AR-15 frequently appear in news stories related to mass shootings, what is often overlooked by corporate media and their cheerleading anti-gunner organizations, Everytown and Giffords, is that handguns are the weapons most commonly used in criminal activity nationwide. 

recent ATF report states, “Pistols represented nearly 70% of the crime guns traced between 2017 and 2021.” This is an inconvenient fact that Democrats would prefer to keep a secret. 

“Taxing firearms at 1,000% would price low and middle-income families out of the right to self-defense, and that impact would be felt the most by innocent Americans living in crime-ridden neighborhoods. This unconstitutional legislation is nothing more than a backdoor gun ban and Gun Owners of America will fight the Swamp to ensure this dangerous legislation never makes it to President Biden’s desk or is ever signed into law,” said Aidan Johnston, Director of Federal Affairs for Gun Owners of America.

Democrats are oblivious that taxing semiautomatic rifles and magazines will only increase Americans into privately making their own firearms with 80% lower kits, 3D printers, and CNC milling machines. Defense Distributed, the maker of the 0% lower and home to the largest 3D gun file repository in the world (DEFCAD), told us:

“All we can do is express our gratitude towards Congressional Democrats and cheer them on, as their proposed tax will ensure that home-built firearms become the only affordable option for middle America.” 

Just remember, President Biden has told reporters that “the idea we still allow semiautomatic weapons to be purchased is sick. It’s just sick. It has no, no social redeeming value. Zero. None.” Tell that to anyone who has used a semiauto to defend themselves, or others, from violent criminals in failed progressive metro areas that do not enforce law and order. 

America is living through the most anti-gun presidential administration this country has ever witnessed, and radical Democrats on Capitol Hill ignore federal “statistics” that pistols, not semiautomatic rifles, are used in most violent crimes. 

Read the full article here
