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Glenn Greenwald: Biden Regime Taking America Down ‘Extremely Dangerous Path’ with Latest Trump Indictment



The Washington establishment is “playing with fire” by indicting former President Donald Trump for questioning the rigged 2020 presidential election, according to journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Special counsel Jack Smith indicted Trump Tuesday on charges of conspiring to defraud the United States and to obstruct an official proceeding by speaking out against the rigged 2020 election.

“When you start trifling with the foundations of democracy like this, when you start taking away the things people believe are the things that give them the only outlet to have an effect on their society and change what they’re dissatified with, you’re essentially telling them that they have no more democratic means to use as an expression for their anger,” Greenwald said Tuesday on his show System Update.

“And that’s when you start inciting all sorts of violent action, which is what you saw on January 6, and what we’re starting to see in all sorts of ways as the country gets more polarized.”

They’re playing with fire here. If you think that half the country, which already perceives almost every leading institution of authority to be fundamentally and institutionally corrupted, is just going to sit by while what they perceive to be happening, which is that the law is being radically abused by the incumbent president to criminalize and put in prison his leading oppositional candidate, someone that polls show has a very good chance of being elected by the American people in 2024, and they’re just going to sit back and take that in the context of this perception that already exists that our institutions are against them, that the elite authorities in the United States are radically corrupted to try to subvert their interests and to try to make Democrats win no matter what, to try and censor them and take their political rights, and if you don’t have a legal system in place, a Justice Department that people can at least trust is somewhat administering the law and people now really believe that there is a concerted effort to give up on trying to defeat Donald Trump and simply indict him and imprison him using the Biden Justice Department to the point where he’s going to be in prison unable to run, I think the effects are going to be a lot worse than whatever their worst nightmare is about a Trump victory.

“We’re heading down a very dangerous path when almost every institution of authority is held in extremely low regard,” he continued, “from the media to the Justice Department, to the US intelligence community to large corporations, all of whom are being perceived as willing to cheat against the interests of the American people who don’t agree with their views, that people are being censored systemically and being silenced in all sorts of ways. And they’re right about that, they’re right about those things. Those institutions are radically corrupted.”

“I don’t think we know what the outcome is going to be, I just know that it’s going to be one of instability and rage and increasingly anti-democratic efforts to try and fight back,” he added.

Watch Greenwald’s full show:

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