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Deranged Transgender Activists Suspected of Mailing Letters Containing White Powder to GOP Legislators



Dozens of congressmen in Kansas Republican-majority legislature have received letters containing mysterious white powder, with state and federal investigators suspecting deranged trans activists could be to blame.

The Kansas City Star reports “At least some of the letters were in envelopes with the names of transgender individuals who were killed or are prominent on the return address field, according to interviews with legislators and images posted online.”

“The return addresses on the envelopes were in some instances churches in the area of the recipient, which some legislators suggested made them more likely to open the mail,” continued the Star.

The Kansas Bureau of Investigation reported Sunday that legislators had received more than 100 letters containing the white powder which was sent to a lab for testing.

“As of Sunday June 18, approximately 100 letters containing suspicious white powder have been received across the state of Kansas,” the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) wrote in a Facebook update.

“A small sample of the letters containing powder was sent to a laboratory that specializes in testing biological samples. Preliminary tests have returned from this lab indicating the substance is presumptively negative for common biological agents of concern. Further and more complete testing will be conducted on this sample, as well as on additional letters that have been collected, in an effort to determine the components of the substance.”

“Currently, no injuries have been reported, but we ask everyone to remain vigilant in handling mail,” the KBI noted.

Kansas Republican Attorney General Kris Kobach and Republican state Sen. Molly Baumgardner (District 37) have both been identified as recipients, with the latter speculating to the Star that “Time and effort was put into this.”

“I think it does give individuals pause simply because whatever individual or group decided to pursue this, the intention was to be threatening,” Sen. Baumgardner commented. “The intention was to create a threat.”

As if aware their supporters could be behind the letters, The Progressive Caucus, LGBTQ+ Caucus and the Kansas Young Democrats issued a joint statement condemning the acts, saying, “Whether the powder contains an actually threatening substance or is intended as a threat and contains a benign substance, this behavior is unacceptable and is horrific.”

Despite the obvious clues, the KBI and the Federal Bureau of Investigations have not named a motive or identified any suspects.

However, the letters come as Kansas’ Republican-dominated legislature recently passed sweeping transgender bathroom legislation banning “transgenders” from accessing bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers that don’t coincide with their birth gender.

Kansas House and Senate Republicans also released a statement saying although it’s unclear who’s behind the letters they would not be intimidated by extremists.

“While we don’t yet know who is behind this threat, our members will not be intimidated by extremists who look to undermine the will of the people we were elected to serve. We appreciate all of the prayers and support we’ve received from our Kansas communities and will continue to stand strong together to move forward,” the statement said.

KBI’s most recent update on the case says the investigation has expanded beyond Kansas’ borders and the FBI will take over the case.

With the FBI now in charge, it remains to be seen whether the guilty parties will be brought to justice, or whether the federal agency will help cover up their crimes as they’re wont to do.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Read the full article here
