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CNN Defends Biden Snubbing NYPD Funeral for Fundraiser: He Attended Police Funeral Before — Ten Years Ago



Joe Biden caught a lot of flak this week for snubbing the funeral of an NYPD officer killed in action in favor of hosting a glitzy star-studded fundraiser nearby instead.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump not only attended the funeral of slain NYPD officer Jonathon Diller, but also paid off his family’s mortgage.

The stark juxtaposition between the two presidential contenders was highlighted on social media, with many pointing out Biden would rather rub elbows with show business A-listers than mourn for the common man.

This prompted the “CNN This Morning” panel to run interference for Biden on Friday amid the optics failure.

“When it comes to the split-screen moment, he is right, in the sense that it doesn’t necessarily look good,” CNN Senior Political Analyst Mark Preston said of Fox News host Greg Gutfeld’s criticism. “But the reality is, is what they’re not telling you is that Joe Biden has been to these funerals in the past.”

“In fact, back in 2014, he had gone to an officer’s slaying who was gunned down just sitting inside his patrol car. The fact of the matter is, this fundraiser was put on. Yes, people in Middle America look at New York and they look at L.A., and they say, look at the glitz, look at these limousine liberals telling us what to do,” he continued.

“But that’s the reality — and at the same time that the Trump campaign comes out and says, look, he’s going to raise $25 million, three hours later, they [came] out and said, we’re going to raise $33 million. So, you can’t have it both ways. But, in this political world, unfortunately, you can,” he added.

So maybe Biden skipped out on a slain officer’s funeral to rub shoulder’s with Lizzo and Obama and Bill Clinton — but at least he raised $25 million!

Read the full article here
