California Rescinds Gun Permit of Man Who Defended Family, Home From Armed Masked Burglars
The State of California has suspended the gun rights of a man who used a firearm to defend his home from armed intruders earlier this month.
“LA criminals came to my home, pointed guns at my chest,” explains resident Vince Ricci. “After successfully defending my home and my family and my five-month-old child, California is now deciding to suspend my Second Amendment.”
Surveillance footage from earlier this month showed the moment Ricci arrived home, where his wife and newborn daughter were. As he attempted to open his front door he was ambushed by an armed assailant who attempted to gain entry into his house.
Unbeknownst to the would-be criminal, Ricci was carrying a firearm and he was able to use it to fend off the assailant and an accomplice.
As Ricci explains it: “It was a quiet evening, and as I was coming home from the gym, two long men masked, hopped over the wall, ran down on me with guns, and the most terrifying part was my wife and my five-month-old baby were on the other side of that door. In an effort to protect my family, I drew my gun and returned gunfire.”
While the incident was caught on film and showed how the homeowner’s possession of a gun potentially saved his family’s life, California has decided to make an example out of Ricci, in turn rendering him defenseless.
“As a result of that night, the California government has temporarily suspended my ability to conceal carry,” Ricci explained in a video promoted by the NRA.
“This is an attempt to make me vulnerable at a time that is critical that I maintain my ability to protect my family. They’d rather leave me out there to dry and let my family become a statistic.”
“My situation is unique because it happened at my front door, all on camera. But this happens time and time again all over the country,” he continued. “It doesn’t get caught on camera, and people sweep it under the rug because it doesn’t behoove their political agenda. The fact is, evil will always exist. But we need our ability to defend ourselves and keep our families safe from violent people.
The incident has made Ricci into a vociferous proponent of the Second Amendment, gun rights and the right to self defense.
“The leftist gun grabbers do not care about your safety. The NRA does. My name is Vince Richie. I’m an Italian American from the Bronx, New York. I’m a proud member of the National Rifle Association.”
It remains to be seen whether the homeowner’s right to protect himself and his family is restored, and indeed whether he decides to remain a resident of Commie-fornia.
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