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Breaking: Deep State Used U.S. Intelligence Agencies/DOJ to Illegally Terrorize Trump Supporters



Editor’s note: Alex Jones already broke this story years ago since he experienced it firsthand, but it’s now confirmed that Barack Obama put stay-behind networks in the government before he left office in 2017, directing them to treat Trump supporters and associates as Russian assets, using the full weight of intelligence agencies to harass and intimidate them.

Alex Jones breaks it all down LIVE with Roger Stone:

Infowars founder Alex Jones was among a list of surveillance targets by the Deep State during the 2016 presidential election cycle, according to reports.

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino received a tip from a high-placed source showing a list of high-profile individuals close to then-presidential candidate Donald Trump’s orbit were subject to illegal surveillance by the CIA and FBI under Barack Obama.

In addition to Trump’s family members like Melania, Ivanka and Donald Trump, Jr., other individuals included in the surveillance dragnet were Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Alex Jones.

“My list is more than 26 names. I’m obviously not going to tell you who I got this from,” Bongino said on The Dan Bongino Show earlier this month.

Bongino went on to say the list was of targets for intelligence agencies to “bump and target with Russian interaction and spying.”

“In spy-speak, ‘bumping’ is when a reason is manufactured to meet with a target of interest in order to develop a relationship that could lead to intelligence,” the New York Post reported.

The list included the following names:

  • Donald Trump
  • Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
  • Ben Carson
  • Donald Trump, Jr.
  • Eric Trump
  • Ivanka Trump
  • Melania Trump
  • Jared Kushner
  • Jason Miller
  • David Bossie
  • Samuel Clovis
  • Paul Manafort
  • Jason Johnson
  • Carter Page
  • George Papadopoulos
  • Alice Stewart
  • Victoria Coates
  • Christopher Bourne
  • Jason Osborne
  • Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R)
  • Donald McGahn
  • Michael Flynn
  • Alex Jones
  • Jefferson Sessions
  • Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
  • Roger Stone

Earlier this month it was revealed by journalist Michael Shellenberger that former CIA Director John Brennan identified and presented at least 26 names to foreign intelligence agencies.

But the names had not yet been released until now.

Specifically, these names were shared with the “Five Eyes” – the intelligence-gathering agencies in the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The purpose of the surveillance dragnet was to entrap Trump associates for “Russian collusion”, a narrative the intelligence agencies were busy manufacturing using the so-called “Steele Dossier” that eventually sparked the FBI’s bogus Crossfire Hurricane investigation in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

Trump had excoriated the intelligence community shortly after the FBI’s unprecedented raid on Mar-a-Lago and Trump’s subsequent charges for retaining classified documents last year, noting the same forces driving the lawfare campaigns against him had also cooked up the Russia Hoax.

“This persecution is being done by the same weaponized agencies that for 7 years have been running illegal psychological warfare campaigns against the American people,” Trump said in June at a rally in New Jersey.

Will Congress hold any of the Deep State officials like Brennan or former FBI Director James Comey accountable for weaponizing the vast powers of America’s intelligence apparatus against innocent American citizens, including a presidential candidate?

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