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Big Pharma Whistleblower Suspended By Twitter For Exposing US Military’s Involvement In COVID Jabs



Former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova talked with The Epoch Times this week for an epic discussion about her research into the dangerous Covid jabs and how the U.S. military was involved in the creation and distribution of the shots.

After several of Latypova’s recent interviews went viral online, Twitter suspended her account Wednesday.

Speaking with Jan Jekielek of The Epoch Times, Latypova explained she previously worked in the pharmaceutical industry and had retired before Covid started.

However, during the pandemic, Latypova became suspicious of the medical establishment’s attacks and lies about the drug hydroxychloroquine, which she knew to be safe.

Next, the Big Pharma whistleblower began “questioning the whole thing” when it came to Covid and did a deep dive into the background of the mRNA shots being presented as the way out of the pandemic.

Latypova, who was born in Ukraine and moved to America for college, said she was deeply involved in clinical trials during her time in the pharmaceutical industry, even working as a contractor for Pfizer.

This familiarity helped her dig through troves of Covid vaccine-related data such as the CDC’s VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] database.

The former pharma executive also looked at UK and European vaccine injury data, saying, “They all started showing huge numbers of adverse events and deaths right away. The government was denying that those were associated, denying that they were happening, and they continue denying to this day.”

Regarding VAERS, Latypova said, “The first immediate finding was that the total volume of adverse events and deaths was 10 times and more higher than all the previous vaccine products combined. The database is very old, and I think it started in the nineties. It has reports for about 100 different vaccine products from hundreds of manufacturers. You have a very rich data set, and you see that historically, the level is here. Then, 2021 comes along and it’s like this. Of course, it’s a signal, and it’s undeniable. There’s a signal, it’s a pattern, and it needs to be investigated. But no investigation ever happened.”

At one point, Latypova noted she found extreme variability in Covid vaccine batch numbers, showing some clusters of the novel shots were more dangerous than others.

“Some batch numbers had two or three reports and some had 5,000 to 6,000. That should never happen, and you should never see that,” she explained.

After doing loads of research, Latypova came to the conclusion the Covid pandemic is “a military operation,” saying, “These so-called vaccines, they’re not really vaccines, but these injections have been manufactured under defense contracts, utilizing the Defense Production Act, other transaction authority, and emergency use authorization under a public health emergency. When these things are used together, then good manufacturing practices do not apply to these products at all.”

Basically, this is how the establishment got around pesky laws that would help protect citizens injured by the experimental shots.

“Utilizing the structure of emergency use authorization, public health emergency, other transaction authority, and the Defense Production Act, the government was able to commandeer pharmaceutical companies to produce these non-compliant injectable products and distribute them, calling them a medicine, when in fact, it’s not a medicine,” the whistleblower explained.

Latypova continued, “It’s an act of war. They’re using the Defense Production Act, its machinery, and the United States military. Even internationally, this is being distributed from this military to overseas militaries, not through the pharmaceutical distribution chain. They’re using the military machinery to distribute these non-compliant products, including biologicals, chemicals, and all kinds of ingredients we don’t really understand very well, and then, call it public health and medicine.”

Because the U.S. military contracted Big Pharma companies to create the shots as a “countermeasure” to the virus, good manufacturing practices did not apply to the creation of the jabs.

The Ukrainian-American pharmaceutical expert described how the contents of the mRNA Covid “vaccines” are still unknown as the inserts read, “intentionally blank,” and blamed financial incentives for a lack of medical professionals speaking out.

Latypova noted she’d been experiencing censorship online, telling Jekielek “I tried to post this on a more mainstream social media sites, and it was immediately banned and canceled everywhere. I still can’t get my Twitter account back. I can use it on my laptop, but I cannot have it on my phone. Instagram deleted my art website. It was 100 percent dedicated to art, and it had nothing to do with this. Yet they banned it, and I can never get Instagram back. But other than social media censorship, no, not really.”

Concluding the interview, Latypova challenged naysayers to debate her, stating, “Challenge it please, and prove me wrong. Look at these documents, and prove me wrong. But more importantly, I would like some open, public investigations to start. How can we answer these questions? Because this information will help people who are vaccine injured. Because if we answer these questions, we will know what they were injured by.”

Watch the controversial discussion below!

Also, watch Dr. Ahmad Malik interview Latypova earlier this week where the Big Pharma whistleblower detailed the medical establishment’s decision to target pregnant women with the Covid shots.

Latypova also appeared on Ask Dr. Drew a few months ago to expose the Covid fraud.

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