Biden’s America: Illegals Fleeing Inhospitable Chicago BACK to Venezuela
Illegal immigrants who journeyed hundreds of miles from Central America through Mexico to come to the US are finding out winters in Chicago suck, prompting many to consider returning to their home countries.
Speaking to the Chicago Tribune, some Venezuelan nationals commented they were bamboozled by promises of a better life in the US, only to realize the harsh realities of Biden’s America.
“The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore,” said Venezuelan migrant Michael Castejon, who spoke from a blanket on a bare floor inside a Chicago police station.
“There’s nothing here for us,” he told the Tribune, as he headed off back to his country of origin.
The Tribune reports despite hopes of a better education for his stepdaughter, they were unable to enroll her in school even though this was a primary motivation for leaving Venezuela in the first place.
Castejon and his wife and daughter arrived in Chicago in June, initially staying at a police station before moving in with another family taking advantage of a city program offering migrants up to $15,000 for six months of rental assistance.
However, he was unable to obtain a work permit and when the assistance money dried up, Castejon was again homeless and back at the police station, an ordeal that has made him think twice about life in the US.
“How many more months of living in the streets will it take? No, no more. It’s better that I leave. At least I have my mother back home,” Castejon angrily told the Tribune.
“We just want to be home,” he added. “If we’re going to be sleeping in the streets here, we’d rather be sleeping in the streets over there.”
The Tribune describes how Castejon’s plight is echoed by others who have had similar experiences, especially heading into Chicago’s icy winter months:
As snow and rain have come with the colder temperatures, the reality for migrants stuck sleeping outside of police stations has grown dire. Mattresses are wet, the smell inside tents is sticky, humid and pungent. They eat standing up, rubbing their hands together to keep warm.
“The word of the situation in Chicago is beginning to spread,” noted volunteer Brayan Lozano.
Add to that the fact Chicago isn’t exactly the safest US city, with homeless migrants sleeping in public vulnerable to inner-city violence.
The Daily Mail reports: “At least 40 people in the last month have left Chicago’s 1st District station to either move back home or elsewhere in the States, with the help of Catholic Charities of Chicago.”
Remember just two months ago dozens of migrants were filmed entering America declaring Chicago as their invasion destination.
The departures come as Chicago residents fed up with the migrant crisis are holding meetings on whether the city’s “Sanctuary” status can be put up to a vote.
Meanwhile in New York, migrants complained and got back on buses after being transported from the Bronx to a makeshift tent holding facility in Brooklyn, as the city struggles to accommodate the massive influx of illegals.
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