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Barack Obama Said in Letter to Ex-Girlfriend He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love to Men,’ Biographer Says



Barack Obama while in college admitted to an ex-girlfriend in a letter he often fantasized about having gay sex, according to a historian who penned a biography on the 44th president.

In a recent interview with Tablet Magazine, author David J. Garrow revisited various tales from his 2017 New York Times bestseller Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, and explained how he obtained the letter written by the ex-president about his homosexual fantasies.

“How did you get those three women, Obama’s college and law school girlfriends, to give you Obama’s love letters to them, and what was the most surprising thing you found in them?” Tablet asked Garrow.

Garrow said he received a redacted version of the letter from ex-girlfriend Alex McNear who later sold the letters to Emory College, which he was able to get a friend to go visit.

“Sometime, right about when Rising Star came out, Alex indirectly sold the original, sold those letters, and they ended up at Emory,” Garrow said.

“So I emailed [my friend] Harvey [Klehr], said, ‘Go to the Emory archives.’ He’s spent his whole life at Emory, but they won’t let him take pictures. So Harvey has to sit there with a pencil and copy out the graph where Barack writes to Alex about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men,” Garrow told Tablet.

Obama may have acted out those fantasies in real life if the public accusations of former sex worker Larry Sinclair are to be believed.

Sinclair, on June 18, 2008 – just months ahead of the 2008 presidential election – gave a speech at the National Press Club detailing how he and then-Senator Obama bought and smoked cocaine and had sex in 1999.

According to the Daily Caller News Foundation, Obama did not respond to a request for comment on the story.

But the confirmation of Obama’s sexual orientation wasn’t the only surprising revelation in Garrow’s interview. The historian also asserted Obama was aware his healthcare plan, Obamacare, was a “fraud,” and shed light on details about his ruthless personality.

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