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Alex Jones Literally Says, “I’m Not Praying For God To Vaporize The Earth” – Media Runs Headlines Claiming He “Begs God To Destroy Earth”



A segment of Sunday’s live transmission of The Alex Jones Show caught the attention of left-wing establishment media outlets who ran misleading headlines claiming he begged God to blow up the planet.

Newsweek’s headline reads, “Alex Jones calls for God to ‘blow up the planet,’” while Raw Story ran with “Alex Jones begs for God to destroy the Earth ‘for the children.’”

However, when viewing the full clip in context, it’s clear Jones was delivering a warning to the individuals in the establishment going along with the NWO agenda.

The quotes and video clips shared by the mainstream outlets were intentionally taken out of context to deceive their viewers and readers.

During the segment in question, Jones explained the globalists are being exposed and that as their names are politically and culturally destroyed, they’ll become more desperate, and “they will blow up stuff.”

“They will blow the planet up if they’re cornered,” Jones said of the psychotic elite. “I’m not the type of guy that just says let’s play dice with this. There is a 60 percent chance if either side doesn’t give up they are going to blow the planet up.”

Continuing, the Infowars founder explained humanity would be better off fighting the globalists until nobody is left rather than being enslaved by the satanic control grid they’re openly creating for the masses.

“We might as well just blow up the planet then because if they are in control it is pure satanism, pedophilia, animal-human clones, them playing God, a psychotic mad scientist situation, so let’s just cauterize it, vaporize it. They are ready to blow it up, if they are going to lose, I am ready to blow it up if we lose too.”

Jones continued, “I think instead of them getting full satanic control of the planet and doing this, and turning us into lab rats, I think it’s just best… God, go ahead and vaporize it if that is the right thing to do.”

“And, I’m not praying to God to vaporize the earth, I want to fix things, I want to turn it around,” he noted.

Next, Jones said, “I’m saying if it gets to the point where we’re not going to turn it around and God knows that and we have chosen wrong, I ask for the children’s sake that God not allow the earth to continue on to produce children for this thing to feed on. I ask God respectively to blow the planet up immediately. Seriously, I want God to blow it up now instead of doing this.”

However, the dinosaur media outlets left out the next part of the rant where Jones explained how God responded to his plea for mercy on humanity’s children.

“And God says, ‘You gotta fix it. I’m on your side, I’ll give you discernment, I’ll give you backing. It’s not over yet Jones.’ And, I know that, but for a real debate with the globalists, I’m gonna have a real discussion with them, they need to know we’re not backing off, we’re not giving in, we’re not going away. It’s a game of chicken.”

Essentially, Jones was providing a hypothetical situation where the satanic global elite achieve all their goals, saying we’d be better off dead than having our kids and grandchildren enslaved by pedophile cult leaders.

See the show segment in full below with the portion the media focused on beginning at the 17:00 mark.

Alex responded to the media’s attacks on him during the Monday edition of The Alex Jones Show, saying, “I did an entire ten-minute segment on saying I mean this metaphorically of the globalists may blow the earth up if we try to stop them, that’s Satan’s plan. But, could God destroy the earth because we’re so wicked?”

“Before we turn our children over to be enslaved and tortured by the New World Order, would God give us mercy and just end the world?” he asked. “But that turned into ‘I want the earth destroyed’ because they take out of context what I said.”

Watch Jones’ full response to the corporate media lies below:

Also, watch the full Sunday show in the following video:

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