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Alex Jones Confirms Intent to Sue FBI, CIA After Agency Operative Admits Targeting Jones to Destroy Career



Alex Jones joined Benny Johnson to discuss the bombshell undercover footage that emerged Tuesday from Sound Investigations, showing a CIA contractor admitting the agency vindictively went after the Infowars radio host.

In the discussion, Jones tells Johnson following the revelations he’s looking into filing a lawsuit against the FBI and CIA over potential civil rights violations.

“He needs to be subpoenaed by Congress,” Jones said referring to Gavin O’Blennis, the CIA contractor featured in Sound Investigations’ video. “I am planning to launch a lawsuit against the CIA and the FBI. We have to bring all this out and right as my bankruptcy comes to a close and right as all this stuff is being finalized it’s really God’s work working here that this came out at this time.”

Jones added he’s currently speaking to several lawyers and would like to see congressional inquiries into the man’s claims so that the full scope of the intel agencies’ efforts could come to light.

Earlier Tuesday, Jones urged tech entrepreneur Elon Musk to call for a congressional investigation into the matter following concerns the targeting could be a violation of free speech.

Watch Jones’ full discussion with Benny Johnson:

More on this as it develops…

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