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WPATH Expert: Many Surgeons Performing Transgender Surgery Are Amateurs



Megan Brock of The Daily Caller has an explosive story in which a surgeon who performs transgender surgery outlines just how awful genital surgery can be and how unprepared many of the people practicing gender medicine are. Brock has done great work on this issue; you should read her story. 

It’s no mystery to people who have studied this issue that transgender surgery is very destructive to the body, whether it includes “top” or “bottom” surgery. The descriptions he provides are gruesome, and despite that he is not only an advocate of these procedures but apparently thinks that having amateurs butcher children is better than not. 

People have been assured that transgender surgery is “lifesaving care” and good for people’s mental health and that the doctors treating children for gender dysphoria are experts who are more than competent to save children’s lives. We keep being told that this is well-established, gold-standard care and that people who oppose doing this to children are monstrous haters who should be shunned from society.  

“Complications can be pretty bad for vaginoplasty and the most-dreaded complication is to perforate the rectum while you are dissecting the vaginal cavity,” Dr. Alex Laungani, a Canadian surgeon, who has “expertise in trans surgical care,” said at an event sponsored by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

“You are essentially dissecting the vaginal cavity between the prostate and the rectum and there’s literally no space there,” he said. “So, you have to create a new plain in a spot that doesn’t exist. So, you’re very close to the rectum and it’s very hard–it’s very easy to get in there. We don’t, I mean, the more you do it, the less risk you have, of course.”

WPATH is a medical organization that has published an influential clinical guidance on transgender health care called Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People (SOC). Laungani’s presentation, entitled “Foundations in Surgery,” was part of an educational series recorded in September 2022 for licensed clinicians seeking WPATH certification in transgender health care. Laungani is a WPATH member,

As awful as this sounds, this in itself is not newsworthy because if you have been paying attention rather than simply accepting what the ghouls who do this say, you would know it. Unfortunately, people have stuck their heads in the sand because challenging the Narrative is putting yourself at risk of cancellation. 

But even those who want to believe that providing this care is necessary can’t deny that putting scalpels in the hands of amateurs to slice up children in dangerous surgery is not gold-standard care. 

He doesn’t put it this in quite a few words, but his message was that this surgery is very complicated, difficult, risky, and has been performed by amateurs.

These are the “experts” and “medical professionals” in whom so much trust and power has been placed. It should be a scandal, and eventually will be once much more damage is done. 

“We’ve seen a growing number of programs throughout the world of gender affirmation, probably with a lack of training and not proper training, for now,” said Laungani. “And so, you know, better ca–any care was better, probably, than no care. So, it did allow individuals to have access to surgery. But it’s time just to make sure that we have the right training and that everybody has the same standard because the patients deserve it.

“And, so, we need to make sure that, you know, we’ll build these training programs, fellowships, and things,” he said.  “And it’s really happening now. So, this is going to be something mandatory.”

“Well, you do great only what you do often, right,” Laungani said. “So, if you do a vaginoplasty every two years, I don’t think you could consider yourself proficient. You’re going to have more complications.

“You’re not going to follow up, you know, and you’re not going to be that interested that you actually go and hang out at these kinds of conferences and learn from your colleagues, because you’re not going to do it as much,” he said. “So, I think you need to dedicate a huge part of your practice to gender-affirming care if you are going to do it at all.”

“You’re not going to follow up, you know, and you’re not going to be that interested…”

Think about that. These are people who are doing extremely dangerous surgery with high rates of terrible complications, and they really don’t know what they are doing. 

That’s not what I say. That is what he says—the expert. 

These surgeries are horrible, and the post-surgical care is grueling. If you have ever read about or watched videos of people discussing the nature of post-surgical care you wouldn’t want your doctor’s attitude to be described thus: “You’re not going to follow up, you know, and you’re not going to be that interested…”

A slide in the WPATH presentation listed possible complications of vaginoplasty, which include minor wound dehiscence, vaginal stenosis, recto-vaginal fistula, pelvic floor dysfunction, and clitoris necrosis.

During the presentation, Laungani noted the rate of wound dehiscence, a complication in which a surgical incision reopens, could be as high as 75%. “I think for the dehiscence you can expect as much as probably 75 percent,” he said.

In the recording, Laungani explained that within the first week after surgery, a vaginoplasty patient must begin regularly dilating the surgically created vagina, sometimes called a neovagina, to prevent closure. He described dilation as a sometimes painful, time-consuming process, saying patients have to dilate themselves up to four times a day.


“We’ve seen a growing number of programs throughout the world of gender affirmation, probably with a lack of training and not proper training, for now,” said Laungani. “And so, you know, better ca–any care was better, probably, than no care. So, it did allow individuals to have access to surgery. But it’s time just to make sure that we have the right training and that everybody has the same standard because the patients deserve it.

Forget for the moment the morality of performing this sort of surgery on people, especially minors; there is no question at all that the people who are performing life-altering surgery shouldn’t be untrained amateurs. 

And Dr Laungani is saying that they are. 

What does this surgery with the best transgender surgeons in the world look like? It is a total mess. 

Imagine it with amateurs. This, in itself, is scandalous beyond belief. 

Read the full article here
