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Why is Joe Biden allowed to keep a dog at the White House?



It sounds like a silly or even petty question but it’s legitimate. Why does Joe Biden keep German Shepherds at the White House that are biters? That is what keeps happening and it is abusive to the Secret Service agents tasked with protecting the president.

Former first dog Major was sent off to live with family friends when his problem with biting was exposed. Joe Biden promised to have the most transparent administration – evah – and yet even in matters such as a dog who bites those who are providing security for the president, this White House will cover the truth up.

Major was replaced by Commander, who is now nearly two years old, another German Shepherd. Commander, as it turns out, is a biter, too. He bit seven people in four months after Major left. This information is found in internal Secret Service communications. Commander’s biting problem has not been previously reported. His behavior is like that of Major.

The most serious documented incident involving Commander happened on November 3, 2022. Commander bit a Secret Service uniformed officer and sent him to the hospital for treatment. Commander clamped down on the agent’s arm and thigh. Commander broke the skin.

Commander broke the skin of a different Secret Service agent’s hand and arm weeks later. Biden unleashed him outside the White House after a family movie night. Then, the following month, Commander bit the back of a security technician at one of Biden’s Delaware homes.

This is a shocking discovery. No wonder the Secret Service is hiding the information from the public. The question is, why? Shouldn’t the agency want to protect its agents from such physical abuse? The White House physician is sending them to the hospital when the bite is aggressive enough to break the skin. How badly hurt does someone have to be before the dog is removed?

The documented attacks from September 2022 through January likely are an incomplete accounting of incidents involving Commander because the period of time doesn’t cover his initial nine months at the White House or the most recent six-month window of time.

“These shocking records raise fundamental questions about President Biden and the Secret Service,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.

“This is a special sort of craziness and corruption where a president would allow his dog to repeatedly attack and bite Secret Service and White House personnel. And rather than protect its agents, the Secret Service tried to illegally hide documents about the abuse of its agents and officers by the Biden family,” Fitton added.

The Biden family is being exposed as a deeply corrupt family. I suppose cover-ups extend to the family pets, too. The truth is, I don’t blame the dogs at all. They are not properly trained and not being properly cared for by the First Family. The Bidens live in the White House so that is where their pets live. However, neither Joe nor Jill have the time or inclination to take care of their pets. They have a cat, too, now, so that’s a different matter. Cats don’t need the attention that dogs need. Dogs want to be their human’s best pal while cats don’t care about much at all. Joe and Jill Biden are not dog people, no matter what illusion they wish to create for the optics of normal family life. Their family is not ‘normal’ as we have learned, and the dog shouldn’t suffer because of neglect by his humans.

The Bidens claimed that they send their dogs off to be trained. If so, they should ask for a refund. Commander bites, Major was a biter. The dogs are not trained. German Shepherds are very obedient dogs. That’s why they are used by first responders, like police departments and security guards. But, they have to be trained. All dogs need training, to a certain degree. People don’t allow their dogs to bite guests in their homes or the people who may come to work there. The same should be true for the White House.

Biden, a feeble and failing 80-year-old man, blamed the Secret Service for past biting incidents involving Major. Now the White House doesn’t disclose biting incidents. Commander can often be heard barking on the executive mansion’s ground.

Agents describe some alarming incidents.

The most serious incident, on Nov. 3, began as a Secret Service officer was seated at the bottom of a stairwell at the White House.
Commander “came down the stairs and walked toward” them, according to an internal agency email.

The dog, unprovoked, reportedly bit the officer’s arm on the tricep area — and, when the officer stood up, chomped down on the quad muscle area on their leg.

Another officer reported that the attack victim reported “a considerable amount of pain” and said they were forced to use a steel cart to shield against further attack.

An officer at the Secret Service Joint Operations Center wrote, “WH medical treated the officer and made the decision to have [the victim] transported to [redacted] Hospital.”

There is no excuse for this. Both Jill and Joe Biden know of their dog’s behavior. They choose to ignore it.

On Nov. 10, a Secret Service Uniformed Division officer was bitten on the left thigh by Commander while first lady Jill Biden walked the dog in the Kennedy Garden near the East Wing and reported “bruising, tenderness, and pain in the bite area,” a communication in the document production reveals.

Let the cat stay. Send Commander somewhere that will provide enough attention to him. Joe and Jill can pretend to be animal lovers with a cat.

Read the full article here
