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Whoda thunk? Rumor has it POTATUS really a cranky old geezer



You could have knocked me over with a feather at this Axios exclusive – I mean, who would have ever guessed?

Let me break it to you gently:

Behind closed doors, grandfatherly, huggable Joe Biden is an IRASCIBLE, FOUL MOUTHED, CRANKY, BEFUDDLED SUMBITCH WHO YELLS A LOT.

Say it ain’t so.

Gosh. If only I could…stop snickering.

Old yeller: Biden’s private fury

In public, President Biden likes to whisper to make a point. In private, he’s prone to yelling.

Behind closed doors, Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast.

The president’s admonitions include: “God dammit, how the f**k don’t you know this?!,” “Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!” and “Get the f**k out of here!” — according to current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts.

You’ve got to be kidding me. Not this guy?

Thank goodness the adults are back. Our prickly puddin’ head prez has brought dignity and grace back to the White House, and an even keel has returned to presidential interactions with everyone he meets.

Respect was on the ballot, remember? D-E-C-E-N-C-Y…was ON the ballot.

We got all that in spades, tell you what. And it sure sounds as if the kiddies in the White House who helped make this abomination of a presidency happen have been getting it with both barrels.

What a pity.

Zoom out: Biden’s temper comes in the form of angry interrogations rather than erratic tantrums.

He’ll grill aides on topics until it’s clear they don’t know the answer to a question — a routine that some see as meticulous and others call “stump the chump” or “stump the dummy.”

Being yelled at by the president has become an internal initiation ceremony in this White House, aides say — if Biden doesn’t yell at you, it could be a sign he doesn’t respect you.

Oh. If he doesn’t yell, he might not “respect” you, huh? That’s what they’re floating? Let’s just whitewash over the fact that he’s pretty much been a rude, major schmuck to everyone we know he despises, so how does one tell the difference? That he signs a paycheck for you, as opposed to abusing you at a press conference? I’m not falling for the “oh, there’s a difference” line.

They need to put an extra coat of glue on that wallpaper job, because I don’t think it’s going to stick. Joe Biden has always been an insufferable, crude, arrogant, ignorant hothead who respects no one but someone he needs to suck-up to for the next buck he makes, and he hasn’t changed a lick in the 40+ years he’s been leeching off the taxpayer.

Even if he could remember who they were and what they were talking about, his opinion of any toady in the White House who answers to him is less than dog poop.

Connaughton wrote that as a senator, Biden was an “egomaniacal autocrat … determined to manage his staff through fear.”

Not. News.

This sort of article does get one’s gears cranking, though. A year ago POTATUS was a Lefty hero for cracking on Fox’s Peter Doocy. “More! More smack talk!” the chattering political classes clamored. “We love when manly, dangerous Dark Brandon emerges!”

But a year ago, there wasn’t a schweet plea deal for scummy bundler son Hunter outraging the average peasant. Nor was there a Republican majority in the House with a guy named Comer combing through bank records and emails. Sen. Chuck Grassley was being effectively stonewalled. There weren’t IRS whistleblowers being interviewed on major networks concerning Biden crime family business dealings, with clear and damning documentation exposed of a politicized DoJ – to include the FBI – swinging into action to protect the president, politically and legally.

There also weren’t topless men with perky boob-jobs exposing their plastic assets on the White House lawn during official functions. The public wasn’t aware the WH staff could only count six grandchildren vice the seven that cuddly “family man” Joe really had. Nor were bags of cocaine found in the residence itself, even as the family’s preeminent crackhead attended official functions and hung around the house for lack of any gainful employment or purpose in his life. While his father smirked at press questions.

Oh, the decency of it all, and all of the Bidens.

To paraphrase the old ad in Biden crime family-ese: have coke and a smile.


Yeah. Things weren’t quite as murky a year ago with Dark Brandon for Democrats. He was still their pliable, befuddled boy, even though none of this was new to any of us who had half a brain cell and were fuming at the grift and graft paraded before our very eyes.

We may be getting a sense the winds are shifting…

I wonder if Gavin Newsom is “prone to yelling”?

Maybe someone should find out.

Lay you money he’s prone to smiling if he’s reading this Axios story.

Kamala’s probably sweating.

Read the full article here
