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When (Tr)antifa Bombs, the Silence Is Deafening



I vaguely recall hearing something about a bomb being found and exploded outside the Alabama Attorney General’s office in February. The story disappeared almost as quickly as it was reported. 

Vanished. Poof. Gone. 

Perhaps that was because the site of the bombing had been plastered with stickers proclaiming allegiance to Antifa and transgender ideology, which clearly doesn’t fit the narrative of violent cis-gendered White supremacists rampaging the country looking to overthrow the government and lynch every person darker-skinned than an albino. 

Nope, the perp was a “pansexual nonbinary” communist who loved to riot and who described himself as “violent.”

You would think that the political statements left behind with the bomb might be newsworthy–after all, we have national discussions every time a person to the right of George McGovern does anything wrong. But of course, Left-wing violence is #resistance, and resistance is a very good thing. 

There was zero ambiguity about the motive. The stickers left behind and the social media posts of the perpetrator were very clear:

According to court documents, stickers identified as being placed on state buildings which also matched with the stickers held by Calvert in social media videos include: 

• An Antifa logo superimposed over a rainbow flag background, with the words, “ANTIFASCISM IS COMMUNITY SELF-DEFENSE.” 

• A black and white image of a masked individual wearing a baseball hat and holding a flag which read, “ABOLISH PRIVATE PROPERTY.” 

• Two red roses superimposed over the globe with the words, “EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE.”

• A purple-colored sticker with a masked face inside of a female pictogram. The words at the top of the sticker read, “FEMINIST ACTION.” 

• A white sticker with black text of an elderly individual holding an AK-47 rifle and the words, “ARM THE HOMELESS.” 

• A white sticker with black text featured a masked and hooded individual surrounded by flowers which read, “MY BODY. MY CHOICE.” 

• A black and white sticker with the words, “F**K WORK LET’S RIOT!” 

• A black sticker with white digitized font which reads, “NEVER WORK.” 

• A white sticker with black and white font with the words, “ABOLISH ICE.” The letters in the word “ICE” are themed to appear as melting ice cubes.

On his Instagram and TikTok accounts, Calvert lists his pronouns as “they/she/he.” He also labels himself as a “pansexual” and links to The Trevor Project, which describes itself as “The largest suicide prevention organization for LGBTQ young people in the U.S.”

Yet the event and the arrest came and went in record time. Blip. Shh. 

Obviously, something as big as the attempted bombing of a state’s AG couldn’t be hushed up, but as with so many stories, the way that they are covered is as important as whether they are. Here the effort was minimal, the descriptions vague until you dig into the stories, and terms associated with the Right were placed near the top and the specifics buried deeper. 

Early in the stories, Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert was described as “antigovernment,” which is technically true but implies that he is Right-wing. Instead, he is a communist alphabet activist. The New York Times mentions his connection to Antifa in the 8th paragraph, and they describe his stickers as representing “various ideologies,” which is to be kind a stretch. 

He is described as “antigovernment” in the second paragraph. Make of that what you will. I know what I think they hoped you would think if you only read the first few paragraphs. 

Left-wing violence is on the rise–particularly violence associated with alphabet ideology and communism. Yet we constantly hear that the #1 threat to Americans is…conservatives and a barely existent White supremacist movement. 

As is so often the case with people deeply involved in alphabet ideology, the bomber is clearly mentally ill. His TikTok feed is filled with references to his “meds,” and his coworkers–when he had them, as he was nearly unemployable–described him as mentally unstable. 

Calvert was further described as a “loner” who avoided eye contact with everyone, wore all black-colored clothing, and avoided speaking to other employees.

Moreover, Calvert was consistently late to work and failed to follow instructions.

He was fired from his job on Feb. 28.
A previous supervisor told agents Calvert suffered from a lot of “mental struggles” and was “borderline unstable.”

“Calvert has expressed his belief that violence should be directed against the government, and he has described his inability to control his own violent, aggressive impulses,’’ authorities wrote in a detention memorandum. 

Unfortunately, our society has decided to glorify mental illness rather than treat it, and alphabet ideologists are the most of all. Doctors have performed transgender-affirming procedures on people with dissociative identity disorder, for God’s sake, rather than treating them for a severe mental illness. 

It is now common to elevate violent resistance as admirable. “This is what decolonization looks like” is the excuse. 

It will only get worse in the near future, unfortunately, because this is the behavior that is being celebrated by the Left. 

Read the full article here
