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When China’s expansion plans come through our border



More and more, the faces arriving at the border – be it the long stretch of the Mexican or the 8436 mi of continuous Florida coastline – are resembling less the Hispanic and Indio faces of Latin America, or the Cuban and Haitian visages so familiar from tattered vessels of every description, creeping towards shore, trying to stay afloat long enough to at sink within swimming distance of the beach.

They are taking on entirely new looks as diverse arriving nationalities and ethnicities explode in the race to get here and get across. Some of the growing groups of what would seem to be the most improbably distant populations are just astounding

The Chinese are coming in ever-increasing numbers.

Drawn by a message on the WeChat app, the Chinese immigrants lined up for free bags of leafy greens that volunteers handed out from a battered minivan in a Monterey Park car park.

Many had recently survived a novel and dangerous journey – flying from China to Ecuador, braving the treacherous rainforest of the Darién Gap on foot, then traversing Mexico by car and bus before crossing the border.

A woman who wore an ankle monitor on this hot June afternoon so immigration authorities could track her said she had been “just getting by” running a small restaurant in Wuhan and wanted to escape the social stigma of being twice divorced.

…Monterey Park has long been a landing spot for immigrants from China with no English and a few hundred dollars in their pockets. “Family hotels” offer a cheap place to sleep, crammed in with dozens of others. Employment agencies can provide a gig at a restaurant, a warehouse or a marijuana farm – no work permit needed.

But the route that some immigrants once took – flying to the US on a tourist visa and obtaining lawful status or overstaying the visa – has been largely closed off for the last few years. The recent arrivals are showing new levels of desperation, willing to risk their lives, and sometimes their children’s lives, to reach American soil.

…In April, US immigration authorities encountered nearly 3,200 Chinese migrants at the Mexican border. Before the pandemic, in late 2019, the number was about 200 a month. The figures dropped somewhat in May and June but were still near record highs.

You’ll notice these are all young men behind him in line.

Border security experts are apoplectic at the thought of who could be sliding in with the human flood the Biden administration is allowing to inundate the country.

…Lora Ries, former acting deputy chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, told The Center Square that the current state of the border is a major national security threat.

“Remember, the 9/11 terrorist attacks were carried out by just 19 people,” said Ries, who now works as an analyst at the Heritage Foundation. “As this administration lets millions of unknown and potentially dangerous aliens into the country with no oversight, the question of the next attack on American soil becomes less of an ‘if’ and almost certainly ‘when?’”

An overwhelmed border was on full display in a recent government watchdog report. A DHS Office of Inspector General report released in June showed that border patrol agents caught and released a migrant into the U.S. even though the migrant was on the terror watch list.

The report points out that because of miscommunication and problems sharing information within the government, it took U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement weeks to arrest the terror suspect in the U.S., more than enough time to execute an attack.

…Mehlman argues border agents do not have the resources to vet the flood of illegal migrants captured at the border.

“Given the volume of people entering the country – more than 7 million people have entered the U.S. illegally under this administration – the border enforcement agencies do not have the time or resources to thoroughly vet people before they are released,” he said.

Ries told The Center Square that many of the migrants are also from rivals of the U.S., like China, also opening the door to further spying.

“Some of those ‘gotaways’ are undoubtedly from adversarial countries, like China,” Ries said. “The number of Chinese nationals encountered at the border has more than doubled since 2020. Meanwhile, the CCP has tried repeatedly to spy on Americans and a Chinese-owned lab was discovered in California harboring dangerous bioweapons.”

Chinese-owned bioweapons labs, hacking into government systems…

The U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee said on Wednesday it is opening an investigation into China’s suspected involvement in recent breaches of Commerce and State department email systems.

…Last month’s news that Chinese hackers penetrated the emails of senior State and Commerce department officials caused a stir amid high tensions between Beijing and Washington over a host of issues, from trade to Taiwan.

The full extent of the breach, which affected at least two dozen other organizations, is not clear. The Wall Street Journal reported last month that the hackers also accessed the email account of the U.S. ambassador to China as well as Daniel Kritenbrink, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia.

Hundreds of thousands of emails were stolen overall, the Journal said.

…why not throw open the door for everyone willy-nilly? SO much easier to do bad things once you’re inside the country rather than working from abroad.

The Biden administration is so thoughtful that way.

And the Chinese are so hep to get here, they’re even chartering boats. Now, this isn’t exactly Norwegian Cruise Lines, but they’re not paying for docking fees at ritzy ports either. Strictly a no-frills human transport cargo business and you wind up where you wind up

Granted, it’s not Martha’s Vineyard, but Florida isn’t bad, all things considered.

Federal authorities are growing increasingly concerned about a route Chinese migrants are utilizing to make their way to Florida illegally, according to an internal federal intelligence report obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The report states that law enforcement lacks information regarding who is coordinating the smuggling between the Bahamas and Florida, where the migrants are being staged in the Bahamas and why Chinese migrants are choosing the Caribbean island. It also references recent incidents of Chinese nationals entering Florida illegally via the Bahamas.

There have been five such incidents of Chinese migrants attempting to “self-smuggle” from the Bahamas, according to the report. One incident took place on July 16 and involved a group of six Chinese migrants.

…Border Patrol agents stationed in Florida have seen a spike in arrests of illegal migrants from China, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

Agents apprehended 27 illegal migrants from China in Florida between October 2022 and June, up from 5 in all of fiscal year 2022 and 7 in fiscal year 2021, according to the data. It is unclear, however, how many of the total number of Chinese migrants caught by Florida authorities used the Bahamian smuggling route.

I’m sure there’s nothing nefarious about any of them and their numbers are obviously not bothering the Biden admin.

…The amount of illegal Chinese migrants encountered by the CBP has been steadily increasing every month since February 2021, according to federal data.

…Those seeking asylum are released into the US on their own recognizance and with a notice to appear for a court date for their immigration hearings.

So…everyone who would be “seeking asylum, ” raise your hand.

I thought so.

Oh, well. Once upon a time, an illegal’s only choice was housekeeping or construction.

Now they can be a cop or even own their own bioweapons lab.

Build back better, baby.

Read the full article here
