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What they really think of you… (NSFW)



One of the interesting consequences of the Left’s seizing the high ground in most cultural battles is the unleashing of the Leftist Id.

The concept of the Id–or rather its name–comes from Freud’s categorization of the different psychological forces at play within our mind.

The Id represents the instinctive and animalistic impulses that drive us, the Superego represents the moral and societal norms which we believe we are supposed to obey, and the Ego is the rational decision-making component of our selves that mediates between the appetites and the ethical demands placed upon us. More or less, anyway. I am not inclined to waste a lot of time on Freud. He was as scientific as a witch doctor.

The Id is a great concept, capturing something very real: we have all sorts of desires and impulses that we generally hold in check for a variety of reasons. But when left unconstrained people tend to embrace their inner desires, feeding their worst impulses. If nobody is watching, we let it all hang out.

Because the Left owns the commanding heights of the culture, they are inclined to let their freak flags fly. The naked bicyclists, the celebration of every perversion, even undressing at the White House. They can do anything they want, so they do.

Why not? Who is going to stop it?

Example: a man calls the Canadian police asking whether exposing your genitals to children is legal. The answer is no, except at a Pride parade. Then it is fine. Every other time it is indecent exposure. At Pride it is expressing your inner self.

It’s not just in alphabet matters that this impulse has come out. In many ways less avoidable is the Left’s ever greater embrace of criminality, and contempt for people who are alarmed by the dramatic increase in crime that is sweeping cities and now creeping out into the suburbs. Crime is just part of urban culture, and often should be celebrated.

It turns out that what happens in cities doesn’t stay in cities, and as the inevitable happens the Leftists have settled on an answer to the concerns of suburban voters:

“F&ck you.”

Senator La Tonya Jackson of Milwaukee said precisely that to her colleague on the floor of the Wisconsin Senate, making clear what has been left unsaid by many: “We don’t care. Live with it.” NSFW:

This is hardly an unusual sentiment. During the George Floyd riots a Democrat candidate for State House in Saint Paul, MN, went to a suburb called Hugo and led a protest against a Minneapolis Police Union leader. He threatened to burn the city down among other things.

Thompson won, although he later had to resign. His son was just arrested for killing 5 Somali girls on their way to a wedding by driving his car, filled with fentanyl and with illegal guns, after having been released from prison early for prior crimes.

Nice family.

While it is disturbing to see such open hostility, just as it is disturbing to watch the Left openly sexualize everything in society including kids, it at least clarifies things for everybody.

Conservatives have been arguing for years that when the lefts talks about compassion, they really mean “F*ck You!,” and nobody in the middle believed us. They think our society sucks and want the rules changed, and now they are making no bones about it.

The Left is making our point for us. In case you didn’t get the message folks, F&ck You.

Up to now they have gotten away with their antics. Now that they are open about their beliefs, will the grace period end, or will the suburban moms and dad merely tut-tut?

We will find out next November.

Read the full article here
