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VIDEO: NASCAR’s Bubba Wallace Flips Off Camera in Post-Race Interview After Winning Second Place



Bubba Wallace seems to be thoroughly enjoying the role of NASCAR “villain” as he was seen flipping off the camera after taking second place at North Wilkesboro Speedway in North Carolina on Sunday.

Just as wrestling has its heroes and heel characters, Wallace seems to fully accept that he is NASCAR’s bad boy by constantly agitating people who already dislike him. Sunday’s act of defiance was just another example.

Wallace started the eye-poking on Saturday when he took fifth place in North Wilkesboro Speedway’s truck race. But, in the post-race interview, Wallace said he doesn’t care what his detractors say.

Many may remember that Wallace made a big todo about “a noose” hanging in his NASCAR garage in 2019. But the whole hullabaloo turned out to be a hoax. Even the FBI determined that the garage pull rope fashioned into a loop hanging from the door and used to close the door had no connection to “racism” at all.
The boos have followed Wallace since his “noose” hoax.

So, on Saturday, a reporter asked Wallace about the boos he received after the race, and Wallace said, “That’s every week” and added, “It’s sports, it’s always going to be there.”

“Hey, as long as you continue to live your life, judging a book by its cover, that’s who you are,” he said. “Don’t change it up for anybody else. That’s the biggest thing. That’s fine. I mean I finished 5th. I got a good payday. I’m good.”

But Wallace continued his defiance on Sunday after he crossed the finish line in second place.

As he stepped in front of a Fox News camera, he quickly flipped the interviewer and the camera the bird.

Naturally, people reacted quite negatively to his disrespectful act:

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