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Van Jones: Europe Will Become Hellscape Under Trump



For the past few years, the Democrats’ main electoral strategy has been attacking Donald Trump.

He is a fascist. He is a Russian agent. He is a Christian Nationalist. His son Hunter Biden is a degenerate crackhead who snorts cocaine at the White House and sells secrets to China. 

You get the idea. Donald Trump is a bad guy. 

Van Jones, when asked how Biden can snag some of those Nikki Haley votes to help Biden recapture the electoral magic, came up with another winning “bash Trump” strategy: tell them that Russia will overrun Europe if Trump wins, and Americans are going to have to liberate Europe once again. 

It’s a plausible theory if you think about it, and I am pretty sure Americans will buy it hook, line, and sinker. 

After all, under Trump, Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and in 2022. Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. Libya became a failed state because of US interference. Billions of dollars were shipped to Iran. War broke out in the Middle East. China was murmuring about invading Taiwan. Shipping lanes were closing down because two-bit terrorists were given free rein. European countries were musing about reinstating the draft. 

The Trump years WERE a disaster with all those horrible things happening, right? 

Americans were far more secure and the world more peaceful under Obama and Biden, who are, after all, the “adults in charge.” It’s kinda shocking that the American people aren’t quivering in their boots at the idea that Orange fascist Donald Trump might return to office. 

Biden’s Abraham Accords were a masterstroke, too. Trump started wars; Obama and Biden not so much, right Van Jones?

ABC’s Jonathan Karl was on The View feeding the harridans a load of copium, explaining that Biden has a great shot, and has to remind everybody about what a hellscape the world was under Donald Trump. 

I agree that it is far too early to declare this election in the bag. I bought the “red wave” hype in 2022, so I have recent enough experience with being horribly wrong to be skeptical of the early indications. As we saw in 2020, ballot harvesting can be a very powerful electoral force, and Democrats know how to do it. 

But the whole “America sucked under Trump” argument isn’t convincing anyone anymore because America sucks right here and now under Biden. What people remember under Trump is peace and prosperity, not a hellscape or a war-torn world. 

Trump’s real weakness isn’t his record but his personality. A significant portion of the country dislikes him intensely, and many of the people who will wind up voting for him will do so cringing. 

They see the election as one in which a dotard is facing an a**hole. Most of them will pick the jerk over the idiot. 

At least I hope so. 

Read the full article here
