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Time for International Censorship Police?



First, it’s a conspiracy theory. Then, it’s something to be used only on rare occasions. Then it is a great thing that should be mandatory. 

Then they put you in jail for opposing it. 

For most people who are just waking up to the totalitarian plans that have consumed and driven the establishment of late, this all seems to be a new phenomenon, but that is not true. 

Unfortunately, there has been a long-term plan to implement more speech controls for quite a while; the groundwork has been laid behind the scenes. 

The election of Donald Trump created what amounted to a crisis for the establishment, and they had to choose between coming out into the open and seeing their plans thwarted or at least diminished. They chose the former, and when COVID hit, they seized an opportunity to go beyond media propaganda and sly censorship. They went full fascist, and Westerners by and large let it happen. 

Hence, there is a further push to create a permanent censorship state. They have been getting away with the silencing of their opponents so far, so it would be stupid not to push harder. In fact, it could be fatal, as a substantial resistance is developing. Strike now while the iron is hot. 

Melançon is a visiting scholar at McGill University and holds an Eakin Fellowship with the school. He frequently appears on CTV Montreal as a political analyst and has also written for the French outlet Les Affaires. 

In the past, Melançon served as a director of communications for Quebec’s minister of tourism and has also worked in a similar role for the federal government in 2015. 

While delivering a lecture on social media and polarization, Melançon said in response to a question on Bill C-18, the Online News Act, that an intergovernmental policing agency akin to Interpol should be set up to monitor the internet for falsehoods and enforce the legislation abroad. 

“(Bill C-18) is going to have a limited impact. There is what we can do in Canada in our jurisdiction but there’s also the fact that you have lies coming from abroad and our laws do not apply to what happens outside of our borders,” said Melançon. 

“So unfortunately we will need to work alongside our international allies, especially in Liberal democracies to ensure the same regulations are applied elsewhere and that we can prevent an act, maybe even have an international body dedicated to it as we have Interpol for instance.”

Journalists need to be licensed as well, lest average citizens get a chance to speak to the public. Only people with the “Right” opinions can be allowed to spread their ideas, and this is a great way to ensure that the hoi polloi get the Narrative™ unfiltered by dissent. 

Melançon also recommended the “professionalization” of journalism by requiring licenses for those in the profession.

“At the moment in Canada anyone can pretend to be a journalist,” he said. “To this day members of the press have no obligation whatsoever regarding what they write or say in media.”

Mon Dieu! People can write something without getting the approval of Minirue. That surely must change. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength, you know!

Raphaël Melançon is hardly alone in demanding a Ministry of Truth–it’s happening around the world, and in Brazil, the government is shutting off Twitter because it allows dissent. The EU is obsessed with suppressing dissent, as is Canada, with criminal laws aimed at people for saying the wrong thing. 

You can go to jail for years. 

Scotland just instituted a Hate Speech law with criminal sanctions. 

This is, of course, all for our protection, lest we get the idea that the government isn’t always right. We know the government is always right, don’t we? Ventilators were vital to save COVID patients. Masks work. Schools must be closed. Don’t buy garden seeds. Stay away from beaches and playgrounds. Vaccines are 100% safe and effective. The Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation. 

You must believe and repeat what you are told. Or else. 

An Interpol for speech. Coming to a Western country near you. 

Read the full article here
