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The possibility of a No Labels third-party ticket causes a freak-out on ‘The View’



No Labels may or may not provide a third-party alternative to the Republican and Democrat nominee in the 2024 presidential election. It’s up in the air right now. The organization thinks the time is right for a third-party ticket, because the majority of voters do not want a repeat of a Biden-Trump match-up.

The question is, if a third-party ticket emerged and managed to get on the ballot in all the states, would it take away from Biden or Trump? And, if it significantly takes away from one party’s ticket versus the other party’s ticket, then No Labels will sit this one out. The organization doesn’t want to be “a spoiler.” It doesn’t want anyone to be able to say that they helped either Biden or Trump win the election.

First I’ll tell you about the hysteria on The View about this. Then I’ll tell you what I think about the whole thing.

No Labels makes Democrats, in particular, very nervous because they know it will hurt Joe Biden. Democrats are terrified that if No Labels enters the 2024 race, it is very likely that Trump wins. Ana Navarro, a former Republican consultant had a fit over a potential No Labels ticket.

“This is dangerous because let’s just put things in context. This is not a normal thing. This is not Bill Clinton versus George Herbert Walker Bush with Ross Perot playing spoiler. No. This is Donald Trump. He is a threat to national security. He has threatened our democracy. He caused an insurrection. He has weaponized government against his enemies and so if you, Jon Huntsman or Joe Lieberman – I love you, Joe Lieberman, but you’ve got to stop this, Joe. Joe, Joe, Joe, this is insane, and you cannot do anything, anything, that could possibly help Donald Trump become president. You cannot be an accomplice on that. You are better than that, Joe,” she said.

To make this even more entertaining, Navarro admitted that her husband, Al Cárdenas, also a former GOP professional, praised the efforts of No Labels and is very supportive of the group. Cardenas, as I learned this weekend when I saw him on a Sunday morning show, is a surrogate for the Asa Hutchinson campaign. He isn’t exactly tuned in to the average Republican voter.

Another of The View women, Sara Haines, said it’s just time for states to change primaries. This is typical of Democrats and how they want to change the rules when it looks like they may not win. This is what happened with voting during the pandemic. Democrats changed the rules in some pretty significant places, like Houston. Rogue county clerks changed the rules on their own and lawsuits had to be filed to stop them. Democrats will rig the system if they are given the chance to do so.

“There are a lot of people waiting to make a decision that would fall under a no labels, kind of moderate or independent, and that’s a better way to do it than this because this will hurt, I think, President Biden, and one of the reasons is when you look at the election in 2020, arguably as much as President Biden won, Donald Trump lost… There were a lot of people coming out to vote against Donald Trump rather than for President Biden. So I do think they’ll be peeling away voters that will directly hurt President Biden,” she added.

Co-host Sunny Hostin said both sides have gotten so extreme that she would like more choices. Whoopi Goldberg said now is not the time for No Labels. Alyssa Farah Griffin said that the panic shown by Democrats means they know that Biden can only win against Trump. For once, the token conservative on the panel is correct.

Here’s my two cents on No Labels. They may decide it’s their time to jump in and run a ticket. Frankly, if I was so-inclined to look for an alternative to the two-party system, it might be the best time I can think of in my lifetime to run a third-party candidate. But, I’m not a third-party kind of voter. I question the legitimacy of No Labels. Notice the one candidate that keeps coming up in talks about a potential ticket – Joe Manchin. Manchin is a Democrat. He’s been in elected office forever as a Democrat. He votes with Democrats and in favor of Joe Biden’s progressive agenda over 90 percent of the time. What, exactly, is third-partyish about Joe Manchin? Nothing.

Manchin talks a good game and the press hangs on his every word but it’s a con. When push comes to shove, he votes with the Democrats. Look at how Schumer played him on the Inflation Reduction Act. He promised a vote on a pipeline Manchin wants for his state, West Virginia, and after he got rolled. He voted with Democrats, taking Schumer at his word, and then he never got the vote. Manchin voted for the bill, which had little to do with inflation and everything to do with funding for climate.

Another politician talked about by No Labels is Jon Huntsman, former Governor of Utah. He is also former ambassador to Russia from 2017 to 2019, ambassador to China from 2009 to 2011, and ambassador to Singapore from 1992 to 1993. He has experience working for both Republican and Democrat administrations but he is a Republican. He has been a Republican throughout his political career.

No Labels is considering recruiting partisan politicians under the guise of non-partisanship. It won’t fly, no matter how much most voters do not want either Biden or Trump, assuming that Biden and Trump will be the nominees. I sure don’t see Joe Manchin getting voters excited to vote for him if they plan to sit out the election rather than vote for Biden or Trump. He’s 76-years-old. Shouldn’t No Labels be trying to recruit a fresh face, new blood, someone who truly isn’t of one party or the other? Maybe then I’ll take them seriously. This is politics. It’s a competition. A party seriously trying to create change goes all in to win, it doesn’t fret over being a spoiler.

Read the full article here
