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The oceans are boiling according to the UN




Right now!

Run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

And eat bugs.

Because according to the bigwigs at the UN, the era of global warming is over, replaced by the era of “Global Boiling.”

I’m panicked. Are you? If not, then you are a WhiteSupremacistracistsexisthomophobiccolonizerantisemiticQAnonconspiracytheorist.

And you want trans kids to die. I forgot that one.

The appropriate response is ridicule. Long ago we should have realized that there is no amount of evidence, reason, argument, or logic that will penetrate the rising steam from the stinking pile of bull excrement that these people toss like monkeys in between their bouts of mental masturbation, so at some point, we have to give up trying.

They know they are lying. We know they are lying. Their handmaidens in the MSM either know they are lying or they simply are indifferent to the facts.

I am pretty sure the harridans at The View haven’t figured out that they are lying, but what would you expect? Their collective IQ is somewhere around 150, and Whoopi Goldberg has the lion’s share of that at 50.

The target for this propaganda isn’t you, me, or anybody who is paying attention in the least. It is the vast group of people out there who are not stupid, but not particularly tuned in. These are the people who dutifully get their boosters, wear their masks, and believe that Moms for Liberty really is trying to ban poetry and that Sound of Freedom is a QAnon propaganda piece.

Propaganda tends to work best when 2 things are simultaneously true: 1) people respect the source, and 2) the proposition is endlessly repeated.

We can’t do much about the latter, since the MSM has a megaphone larger and more ubiquitous than anything we can possibly muster.

But we can do something about the former, and the best tool at our disposal is ridicule.

And the global warming fanatics do a fair amount to give us ammunition.

The true geniuses of the opposition are the meme makers, so share every meme you can that ridicules the establishment’s hypocrisy and hyperbole. A contrast of the claim that the Maldives would be underwater in 2018 with an advertisement from the Maldives bragging that they are the world’s #1 destination for the beautiful people today puts a chink in their armor.

I like this one myself. It sums up how dishonest these people truly are.

I don’t excel at producing memes, although I comfort myself that few people actually do. A few geniuses toil in the background sharing the gift of ridicule, and I shamelessly steal the fruits of their labor. You should too. It is for the good of humanity, after all.

I expect that “Earth is Boiling” memes will start popping up all over the place because the claim is utterly ridiculous. Unfortunately, if we don’t push back with something other than calm, cool, collected reasoning, it will have its intended effect with its target audience.

We can lament the fact that so few people take time to examine the evidence, but really we shouldn’t be surprised. Most of us have lives, and when you are working 5 days a week, raising kids, shopping, sleeping, and taking a bit of time to relax you really can’t spend every waking moment checking the facts and logic behind every claim.

People weren’t nuts to take the vaccine; they simply were mistaken in trusting the people they employed to sort out reality from fantasy. They turned out to be frauds, of course, but it wasn’t irrational to trust what appeared to be a consensus of smart people. And it’s not like other people who we have trusted to inform us turned out to be lying censors who suppressed contrary information.

It is an unfortunate reality that our entire elite has turned against us, so we have to be information Minutemen. And just as the Minutemen didn’t win their battles by confronting the British Army head-on but rather through guerilla warfare, we too must use guerilla warfare in the information space.

That doesn’t mean abandoning fact and reason–we have to know what we are fighting for and against–but we need to make relentless fun of the idiocy.

Somebody needs to bring bugs to Klaus Schwab and invite him to eat them instead of his foie gras. Give some crickets to Hillary Clinton. Ask Bernie Sanders to munch some cockroaches on live TV.

Something tells me that this would make an impression.

How about asking Jennifer Granholm to forego eating at restaurants that use gas stoves? Give her a bike for her commute and demand she give up her limos. A legislator should propose a law requiring that all travel be replaced by Zoom meetings for government workers and politicians.

We need to break through.

Because the American people are being treated like boiling frogs even though the Earth is not in fact boiling.


Read the full article here
