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The Kids Are Not Alright
As John wrote yesterday evening, the new hot thing on TikTok is young people reading Osama bin Laden‘s “Letter to America” and discovering that they agree with him.
At first, I assumed this was a fringe thing, but as of late yesterday, the “Letter to America” videos had wracked up over 10 million views, with most people apparently agreeing that Osama had a point. America IS the bad guy because we are a settler colonialist nation and therefore any kind of resistance is justified.
If you read Bin Laden’s letter and find yourself agreeing with it because it confirms what you think about 10/7, your reaction should be, “maybe I’ve been wrong.”
It should *not* be, “America deserved 9/11, just like the Israelis on 10/7.” That’s the reaction of a poisoned mind.— Christopher J. Scalia (@cjscalia) November 16, 2023
Many a wag has noted that it’s a good thing that young people these days haven’t the attention span to read Mein Kampf, or we would have these mental midgets getting out their hammers to build concentration camps and looking up how to build gas chambers and ovens.
Funny, not funny.
TikTok brain is reading a rant by Osama bin Laden, realizing you agree with him on everything, and concluding not that you need to rethink your life, but that you need to rethink your priors about Osama bin Laden.
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 16, 2023
There indeed should be some concentration attached to this trend, but of the mind and the soul and not the people one dislikes. Blowing innocent people up is not, in fact, a good thing.
Obviously, the youth of our nation need to spend some quality time looking into their souls and realizing that there is a vast gap where their moral compass should be. They are utterly unequipped to, though, because our culture has left them hungering for extreme solutions to what are often complicated or insoluble problems.
But more importantly–and I say this because the moral compass of teenagers is formed by their peers and their educators–the liberals who run our schools and universities need to reconsider whether their alliance with the radical Left is worth the electoral benefits they have amassed from it. Democrats, you created this mess by allying with the cultural communists.
It’s not exactly a secret that the Left runs our cultural and educational institutions and that as a practical matter, this meant that Democrats benefited from the “energy” they were able to generate in the young and impressionable. And so much of the social justice message has a plausibly empathetic feel–who doesn’t want the legacy of slavery to be banished, or inequality to be reduced? It sounds so nice if you don’t actually listen too hard.
“Justice” has a nice ring to it, until you realize it means killing people by the bushel.
Who could have believed that the Left actually meant what they said: “By any means necessary?” I did, actually. Most conservatives did. Liberals, though, thought it was charming or inspiring.
Just to show you how lost some of the extreme Left is…a bunch of them are reading a letter written by OSAMA BIN LADEN…and nodding in agreement.
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) November 16, 2023
But of course, they actually mean “By any means necessary.”
It didn’t take a genius to see that, and I suspect that most Democrats who empowered these people worried a bit that the Left was getting a bit too radical. But really, what harm could they do? Children will grow out of this, right? As with COVID school closures, “kids are resilient!” “Justice” sounds nice.
Well, the kids are NOT alright, and not so resilient as all that. We have a huge mental health crisis in this nation, and Democrats have to admit that they have been instrumental in creating it. They created propaganda factories in our educational system, a massive propaganda system in our media and in Hollywood, and of course, have bullied Big Tech into pushing a Left-wing agenda.
They invented and spread the “settler colonialism” message, and embraced critical theory. They told everybody to read Kendi and DiAngelo and even Franz Fanon.
Good morning.
Let’s have a look at the paper, shall we?Welp. No mention of last night’s DNC Hamas violence. Not even in the metro section.
— John Ashbrook (@JohnAshbrook) November 16, 2023
And the kids, it turned out, listened. They buy the intersectional DEI “settler colonialism” CRT bulls**t the Democrats and radical Left have been selling, and now they believe that flying airplanes into skyscrapers is actually a pretty good idea. Americans deserve it.
Thanks, Democrats. You own this.
People who toy with and empower revolutionaries have a significant blind spot: they seem to think that revolutionaries are like guided missiles they can aim at their opponents and they themselves will escape the blast zone. It doesn’t work that way, I am afraid.
You reap what you sow…
— Theo Jordan (@Theo_TJ_Jordan) November 16, 2023
The riot at the DNC–which of course got little coverage in the MSM, including the Washington Post–trapped lawmakers both in the DNC building and actually caused a lockdown at all the Capitol buildings next to which the DNC is located. Lawmakers who claimed to have been terrified by January 6th felt, this time, actually frightened by the crowds as their rage was directed at them. The Capitol Police were genuinely shocked by the level of violence.
Statement from Capitol Police:
We have handled hundreds of peaceful protests, but last night’s group was not peaceful. The crowd failed to obey our lawful orders to move back from the DNC, where Members of Congress were in the building.
When the group moved dumpsters in front…
— Harrison Krank (@HarrisonKrank) November 16, 2023
It turns out that these radicals hate Democrats as much as Republicans when the Party disagrees with them. They are actual ideological zealots and hate anybody who doesn’t bow down to their monstrous moral demands.
Schools have been pushing this oppressor/oppressed dichotomy so hard and for so long that unlike most things taught in schools, it took. Kids actually believe that this is the proper way to understand the world.
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) November 16, 2023
So proper, in fact, that Hamas and Osama bin Laden were right when they murdered thousands and raping “settler colonialists” is a moral form of #resistance to oppression.
I gua-ran-fucking-tee you that complete mess of a man in a tutu above preening his narcissim while spitting at cops serving our country in uniform didn’t have a father like that gun-owner above. In fact, odds are strong he didn’t have a father at all and was raised by “a village”
— Theo Jordan (@Theo_TJ_Jordan) November 11, 2023
This is the least educated generation in American history, but the most self-confident in their judgment because they are credentialed and able to mouth the propaganda shoved into their brains.
Democrats, you did this. We have been warning you for years, and you called us fascists for doing so.
Last night, a violent pro-Palestine mob attacked police officers.
Members of Congress were evacuated.
The Capitol was locked down.0 front page coverage in the press.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 16, 2023
Now you have moral midgets in tutus screaming at cops defending the DNC that their college educations make them moral arbiters.
And these moral arbiters are on bin Laden’s side.
The kids are not alright. And we all know why.
Read the full article here