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The evidence keeps piling up on COVID



By now any honest person will admit that the public health establishment–the NIH and the CDC in particular–lied to the American public and covered up the likely origin of COVID-19.

The evidence for both is overwhelming and yet it still keeps piling up. By now I almost expect a recording of Anthony Fauci in a supervillain lair laughing maniacally at the stupidity of the plebs, while sharks swim around him in pools waiting to eat 007 while models in bikinis turn into solid gold, or something similar.

The latest revelations come from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which has revealed a series of emails in which government scientists admit outright that they are trying to save the Chinese Communist Party embarrassment, protect the reputation of “science,” and disprove a perfectly plausible scientific theory of the origin of COVID -19 as a “conspiracy theory.”

Yep, it’s another 24-hour period whose name ends in “-day.”

There really is no ambiguity in the emails revealed by the committee. They detail what amounts to a conspiracy by Fauci and others to destroy the plausibility of a lab leak not by establishing the actual origin of the virus in nature, but simply through the force of political power.

Anthony Fauci desperately wanted the lab leak theory disparaged if not disproven, and the emails make it clear that the people actually looking into the origins of COVID clearly suspected that it came from the Wuhan lab, and knew that the scientific basis for asserting that it couldn’t have was non-existent.

The lab leak origin was definitely NOT a conspiracy theory and everybody knew it. Yet the assignment to “prove” that it was from a natural origin remained for political reasons–both to absolve China and to preserve the reputation and money flow to the public health establishment.

US-China politics were in a bad place in January 2020…It was obvious that people would soon begin hunting for a scapegoat for what was rapidly turning into a global health disaster. Trump was seeking to blame the virus on China and was calling it the ‘China virus’ and ‘kung flu.’ The security services in the US were on high alert for any hint that would prop up the accusations.3

I have written quite a few times about the COVID origin debate, and in particular about the efforts to suppress inconvenient theories about the origins of the virus. The overwhelming, if circumstantial, balance of evidence is that the virus was engineered at the Wuhan lab using plans and funding from the EcoHealth Alliance and that it escaped from that lab into the wild. The escape likely happened sometime in 2019.

We know that Patient Zero was a scientist at the lab and that two other Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists also contracted the virus in the same time frame. The Chinese covered it up–there isn’t even any dispute about how uncooperative the Chinese have been–and that Fauci and company aided them in this effort for their own reasons.

After all, Fauci funneled the money to the EcoHealth Alliance.

None of these emails proves this particular hypothesis. What they do prove is that people who insisted that the virus came from an animal were determined to make that case and suppress other theories for their own purposes, and knew that nothing backed up their assertions.

In other words, they lied and smeared the reputation of other scientists. This is, it seems, how they view avoiding “harm to science.”

Expect lots of people in the MSM to downplay these revelations in order to memory-hole them. Over the longer term their efforts will fail, but by the time everybody accepts the truth it will all be “old news.” I expect many readers of this article already think it is.

Yet it isn’t. Many of the people who lied to us are still in positions of power, get enormous sums from the taxpayers’ pockets, and are in a position to impose tyrannical policies on us in the future.

Indeed, we keep being told that the next pandemic is right around the corner. This means the next “Great Reset” is too.

Read the full article here
