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The beatings will continue until the groveling improves



For every step we take forward in the fight against wokeness and trans tyranny of the minority, there are those who seem to redouble their efforts to impose their will and the insistence that we bow to their fantasy existence.

For every Matt Walsh, J.K. Rowling, Riley Gaines, David Strom – or less well-know advocate for decency and common sense – who stands fast and won’t quietly accept the bludgeoning coming their way, there are tons of meek souls forced to roll over. Or they do so because it is in their nature to expose their underbellies to the alpha female in the pack the second a lip curls in bad humored upset. Oddly enough, these same craven creatures are often overwhelmingly well-educated, worldly, and sophisticated to the point of being considered trend setters.

These are the people you wish you could feel badly for, but they are essentially the enablers of the entire heinous movement.

Ergo, my sympathy meter is pegged.

Case in point aka what got me going on this:

You might all remember a little over a week ago (David covered it for us here), when police in Leeds, England, brought an intoxicated (!), autistic, scoliotic, and semi-verbal 16-year-old home. To all accounts, they’d handled that part professionally and efficiently, but what happened when they got the handicapped teen in the house? Well, that was where it spiraled out of control, as only things in modern-day Britain can.

The now terrified teenager squirreled her shrieking self away at the back of a stairwell closet (or “cupboard” as they call it), and it was chaos. Her mother was trying to explain to police the girl’s processing issues, the child is screaming at the top of her lungs reacting to all the strangers and hub-bub, and then began banging her head against the wall. There are seven police officers for one frightened, handicapped, messed up little girl.

Who, somehow, notices a blonde female officer with short cropped hair and remarks that the officer “‘looked like her lesbian nana.” The girl’s mother quickly explains the comparison was literal – her grandmother is a lesbian with short hair.

Never the less, it goes off the rails thanks to the female officer taking offense, and the officers forcibly drag the terrified teen – now in full blown panic attack – outside, as they laughingly arrest her for ‘homophobic public order offence.’

West Yorkshire Police Department: Clean-up, Aisle 3!

The coppers issue a politically correct CYA statement that satisfies no one: even the “young people” and “neurodiverse” they make sure they mention. They also make sure to cut off the comments. They were getting flamed alive without Joan d’Arc’s courage.

And, after spending 20 hours in the hoosgow, poof! They also dropped the charges on the young, crippled, mentally challenged danger-to-society aka the “homophobe.”

The disgrace is off the charts. That this is even something LEGAL in a “civilized” country is an abomination.

How could anyone in their right mind applaud what happened he…oh.

Theater people – those who write, act, critique, design sets, direct, etc – they’re all so confidently edgy, you know? Always pushing those envelopes of what is acceptable, what is not. “Challenging norms,” as they love to say, when they shove something new and disgusting in you face, while daring you to say it’s, well. Not art – just disgusting.

So brave. SO stunning. So avant-garde. And they all do the polite little handclaps and tears of pride for each other, while seething inside that they weren’t the first to find THAT box to step out of and reap the applause. DAMMIT

Until someone catches the littlest thing that isn’t group think approved. Stasi-like group members are always scanning for fatal slip-ups from one another, so they can take out a fellow shining star. Narrow the competition. Or at least wound them decisively with something that never heals.

Such is the case at the moment with one of Scotland’s theatrical lights. David Greig, one of the most “high-profile” playwrights in the country and artistic director at Edinburgh’s Lyceum Theatre, has taken a knee. He stands accused of being a “transphobe” thanks to – nothing he said, mind you, but tweets he “liked.” And he has crumbled like a stale sandy scone.

ONE of Scotland’s most high-profile playwrights has apologised to staff at the Lyceum Theatre in Edinburgh for “careless and harmful” Twitter actions.

David Greig’s apology came after another writer accused him of favouriting tweets she alleged were transphobic.

Mr Greig, who has been the theatre’s artistic director since 2015, said he could not remember clicking the like button on the two social media messages but that he accepted that he had.

What did he “like” that caused the Tweet Stasi to turn him in so others could turn ON him?

Screencap Herald Scotland

Mr. Greig stuck up for a handicapped teenager being manhandled by police, and pointed out the obvious – and true – differences in treatment between supposed offenses.

For this? He received this:

…Rosie Aspinall Priest, an artist and researcher, shared the two liked tweets, alleging that Mr Greig was “openly liking transphobic tweets.

Really awful things on display here that do not align with the values inherent within Scotland’s theatre sector,” she said.

As far as those inherent values, the sooner they’re flushed, the better.

But Greig hadn’t the courage to stand, less mind fight back.

He deleted his entire account over two tiny hearts momentarily acknowledging the right thing…and then groveled. Which won’t save him.

They’re going to bring this up forever – pack animals have long memories and vicious ones. He’s going to be docilely, pathetically trotting along at the back now, looking at tails and butts, while begging for a snarl from the head b-words.

Because he couldn’t defend defending a child.

Meter’s pegged.

Read the full article here
