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The April Fool Is Anyone in Scotland Who Believed in Freedom of Speech



After April 1, any resident of Scotland should make sure to turn off the stove before they answer a knock at their door.

If they’ve been on social media of any kind, there’s a good chance they might not make it back to turn the gas off for quite a while.

The world of police raids for thought crimes and dystopian landscapes full of authoritarian imagery to cow the populace into submission begins April first in Scotland. As our Ebola used to say when he was little, it’s not a joke anymore – it’s “FOR REALS.”

What do a sex shop, a mushroom farm and a “hate monster” have in common?

They’re all at the heart of a blazing row about prejudice, offence and freedom of speech in Scotland.

A public information campaign highlighting the introduction on 1 April of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act has begun — and is itself controversial.

It includes a Police Scotland video featuring a character called the hate monster who gets “bigger and bigger, “till he’s weighing ye doon.”

Then, before ye know it,” the subtitled video goes on, “ye’ve committed a hate crime.



And he is YOU if someone says so, which is all they have to do.

<span class=”fr-mk” style=”display: none;”> </span><span class=”fr-mk” style=”display: none;”> </span><span class=”fr-mk” style=”display: none;”> </span><span class=”fr-mk” style=”display: none;”> </span><span class=”fr-mk” style=”display: none;”> </span><span class=”fr-mk” style=”display: none;”> </span>

But what if you’re not “hateful?” What if you’re just a normie going about life, expressing your opinion, perhaps thoughtlessly making a wee joke, God forbid, in public?

Best check the helpful list the Scottish constabulary has put together before you open your piehole. Or squint in someone’s direction.

Because it’s not what you thought you said, but what someone thought they heard that’ll be what gets you.

Then again, maybe it wasn’t even spoken. Maybe someone merely interpreted a glance in their direction as “cruel eyes.”

That counts, too, you know. Better watch your eyeballs.

ANYTHING they thought they took as being motivated by “ill-will.” [Word Doc]

2.      Definitions

Police Scotland will record all hate crimes and hate incidents in terms of the following definitions:

 Hate Incident Any incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated (wholly or partly) by malice and ill-will towards a social group but which does not constitute a criminal offence (non-crime incident).

 While it is accepted that not every hate report will amount to criminality, officers are required to take preventative and protective measures even when a non-criminal offence is apparent. Seemingly low level or minor events may in fact have a significant impact on the victim. Crime type alone does not necessarily dictate impact or consequences of the action. Repeated targeting of a person, whether by the same perpetrator or not, can lead to what is known as the ‘drip drip’ effect i.e. although seemingly minor incidents, the repeated nature could affect the person’s ability to cope. Each individual will be affected differently.

Of course, with the way these things work in a progressive police state, only certain classes of individuals can be “hated.”

Hate Crime – A hate crime is any crime which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated (wholly or partly) by malice and ill-will towards a social group.

 There are currently five social groups protected under hate crime legislation:

  • Disability or presumed disability (any disability including physical disability, learning disability and mental health).
  • Race or presumed race (any racial group, ethnic background or national origin, including countries within the UK and Gypsy / Traveller groups).
  • Religion or presumed religion (any religious group, including those who have no faith).
  • Sexual orientation or presumed sexual orientation (sexual orientation towards persons of the same sex or of the opposite sex or towards both).
  • Transgender identity or presumed transgender identity (defined as transvestism, transsexualisms, intersexuality or having by virtue of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (c7), changed gender and any other gender identity that is not standard male or female gender identity. This refers to a whole range of people who find their gender identity or gender expression differs in some way, from the gender assumptions made by others about them when they were born).

You might not notice what’s missing from that list. “Women” aren’t included while fake women are thoroughly covered. So all the violence, implied violence, threats expressed, and revolting misogynist spittle transgenders and their advocates hurl at WOMEN who have the courage to publicly protest the deviant usurpation of everything female means nothing to law enforcement. 

WOMEN have no protection from these abusive men and their allies. 

WOMEN have no recourse and no standing under this “hate” law.

Vicious, abusive, mentally ill freaks enjoy a legal shield protecting them from being called what they, in fact, are.

…The new law also provides for stiffer sentences for offenders convicted of crimes deemed to be “aggravated by prejudice,” — in other words if they demonstrate malice or ill-will towards their victim based on the protected characteristics listed above, with the addition of a category for race, colour, nationality or ethnicity.

Controversially, the protected characteristics in the act do not include sex itself, an omission criticised by some feminist groups.

“This new law leaves women unprotected from hate crime,” the Scottish National Party MP Joanna Cherry KC told me.

It would, she predicted, “be weaponised by trans rights activists to try to silence, and worse still, criminalise women who do not share their beliefs.”

There is no right not be offended,” added Ms Cherry.

The rabid trans community is already salivating at the chance to go after Scottish resident J.K. Rowling for her hardened stance on transgenders and her unabated “hate speech” concerning transgender ideology and the community’s thuggish tactics.

They’re especially offended by the way she unflinchingly hammers on them being MEN, whatever they’re wearing or whatever they’ve carved off their bodies in the meantime.

They’re still men.

GAWD, they can’t abide that. It makes them even crazier with the frustration. When a movement so used to getting its way runs up against an immovable object, it naturally wants to bring out the dynamite to remove said obstacle.

Harry Potter Author JK Rowling, who primarily resides in Scotland, was recently reported to the police by transgender broadcaster and activist India Willoughby for misgendering Willoughby in posts made on social media platform X, saying Rowling “definitely committed a crime”.

Ahead of the Hate Crime & Public Order Act coming into force on April 1, Rowling responded to queries asking if she’d delete the aforementioned posts before the law comes into effect.

She replied: “If you genuinely imagine I’d delete posts calling a man a man, so as not to be prosecuted under this ludicrous law, stand by for the mother of all April Fools’ jokes.”

The writer’s comments were reviewed by Northumbria Police earlier this month.

Sharing their conclusion, the force wrote, “While we recognise the upset this may have caused, the post was reviewed and did not meet the criminal threshold.”

A man can never be a woman.


For all the assurances of authorities that “freedom of speech” is still a “thing,” it’s very much not. Ironic that the very community so often at the forefront of pushing the edgiest, most momentarily morally imperative virtue signal could now be victims of their own wokeness.

New fears have been raised that actors could be targeted by the SNP’s hate crime crackdown after police officers were warned that a “public performance of a play” could be used to broadcast “abusive material”.

Leaked training materials for front-line officers, ahead of a new hate crime law coming into force on April 1, state that an artistic production would fall within the scope of the legislation, despite previous assurances that freedom of speech would be protected.

The revelations caused a backlash from high-profile artists, who said they believed delivering lines as a fictional character could risk prosecution if an offended audience member complained to police.

The training materials, first obtained by The Herald and seen by The Telegraph, outline ways in which “threatening and or abusive material” might be communicated under Section 4 of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act.

This relates to “offences of stirring up hatred” against protected groups, which carry a maximum penalty of seven years in prison.

It cites examples such as through social media posts, creating signs and playing videos before adding this could also be “through public performance of a play”.

Comics are, of course, a target. Nothing makes the offended class more apoplectic than someone whose entire career is devoted to mockery.

Police Scotland has pledged to investigate every reported hate crime complaint, even if it lands comedians and stage performers in hot water.

The First Minister’s highly controversial Hate Crime & Public Order (Scotland) Act comes into force on April 1 – a date that’s synonymous with laughter and joking around, but this April Fool’s Day could well mark the start of a decline in laughter.

Police training materials obtained by Scottish daily newspaper, The Herald, shows officers are being advised to target stage performers and comedians, as content deemed “threatening and abusive” under the Hate Crime Act could arise “through public performance of a play”.

The Palestinian terrorist sympathizer, white-hating racist son of Pakistani Muslim immigrants who reigns as First Minister of Scotland – Humza Yousaf – will have completed his takeover of the country of Robert the Bruce and William Wallace in less than two weeks. He will have the power to strip every memory of the Picts, the Celts, the Romans – every last stripe of what once was Scotland – from the national history, as all those entities are hateful to the victim class.

Some are mourning the end of the “Scottish Enlightenment,” and they may well be right. It’s certainly an appalling darkness falling on the country.

The Scottish Enlightenment will die on April 1st 2024, exactly 327 years, eight months and 24 days after the incident that provoked it. For on April 1st the Hate Crime and Public Order Act (Scotland) 2021 comes into force, an Act which will criminalise speech and opinion deemed ‘hateful’ even if spoken in the privacy of your own home.

On January 8th 1697, Thomas Aikenhead, a 20 year-old student, was marched the two miles from the Old Tolbooth Prison on the High Street to a windswept sandy hillock just to the west of the causeway that crossed the marshes between Edinburgh and the port town of Leith, known as Gallow Lee. Surrounded by the pious prayers of the clergymen of the Kirk (the Church of Scotland), Thomas was hanged by the neck until he was dead.

What was Thomas – a murderer? A rapist? Was he one of Edinburgh’s notorious ‘Resurrection Men’? No. Young Thomas’s crime was that in an Edinburgh tavern on Christmas Eve 1696, he had a drink and went on a rant offending the Church and its stranglehold on Scottish culture. He was reported, arrested and tried: “The jury found Aikenhead guilty of cursing and railing against God, denying the incarnation and the Trinity and scoffing at the Scriptures.”

Thomas Aikenhead was the last person to be hanged for Blasphemy in Britain. As such he became a martyr and inspiration. The hanging of a young man for the crime of having a rant in a pub late at night became seen as an act of tyranny and oppression so heinous it was the spark that turned a barren minor nation on the north west fringe of Europe into the blazing furnace of ideas that was the Scottish Enlightenment. Ideas that would change the world forever.

The execution appalled Scottish Society at the time and was both the high tide of the theocratic tyranny of 17th Century Kirk and its tombstone. With Aikenhead’s execution died all moral authority of those who would control the speech, conscience and opinions of others.

Now, instead of being hung for scoffing at Scriptures, you’ll be dragged off because a man in makeup and a dress reported you for squinting at him in an unfriendly fashion. Or because you objected to his waving his still attached junk at your 12 year-old-daughter in the ladies’ room.

You know what happens next, and it might as well be “Off with his head” because you’ll lose everything else worth living for. And that’s the plan.

Don’t think for two seconds the Left here isn’t watching and drooling.

They are.

The Scottish government’s “Hate Monster” puppet would have been perfectly fine had they used Yousaf’s face.


Read the full article here
