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The Ad That Will Win Trump the Election



Well, not an advertisement from Trump or even an ad itself. It’s a critique of Trump by a liberal that inadvertently makes the case for the former president that will appeal to a good number of people on the fence. 

If you watch this explainer from a liberal influencer you come away with the idea that it is a parody. It’s as if she looked up the polling on all the major issues and decided to tell us that Trump will fulfill our dreams on all of them. 

Restrict immigration? Check. 

Deport illegals? Check.

Troops at the border? Check. 

Ban gender-affirming “care” for children? Check. 

Keep schools from pushing alphabet ideology? Check. 

Promote the nuclear family? Check!

Reform public education? Check!

Help people who choose to homeschool their children? Check!

Allowing teachers to defend their students? Check!

Ban affirmative action and DEI at universities? Check!

Cleaning up the streets by empowering police? Check!

Death penalty for people who are selling poisonous fentanyl on our streets, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans? Check!

Dismantle the federal government by firing useless civil servants? Wow! Check!!!!

Hire people who will actually follow presidential policies? What a concept!

Prosecute Democrats who break the law? That would be a change. 

Rein in the FCC and FTC? Given that they are targeting Republicans and other political opponents (Elon Musk, anyone), it is about time somebody did something to stop the rot. 

The funny thing about this video is that it basically covers the wish list of huge numbers of Americans who are rightly convinced that the federal government has gone off the rails and that our educational system is a total mess that focuses on radical left-wing ideology instead of actually educating children. 

Even vanilla liberals are angry about DEI, and the worm is turning on alphabet ideology as it gets crazier and crazier. The guns in school thing will freak people out, at least moderate soccer moms who recoil at the idea of guns. 

But ask Americans about illegal immigration and you will get a resounding STOP IT RIGHT NOW from almost everybody but leftist radicals. You can only have so many rapes, murders, robberies, and tent cities before people realize that this policy isn’t benign. 

The Left is killing itself with overreach. Americans are waking up to the fact that the Democrats have weaponized government, destroying our economy (when was the last time you heard the president brag about “Bidenomics?), empowering criminals, importing the dregs of others’ societies, and propagandizing without limits. 

Trust in our major institutions has cratered, and most people know it is Biden’s fault–and they freely admit that while they don’t care for Trump, they were much better off under him. The sudden outbreak of wars around the world tells us that the “adults” are not back in charge–the idiots are. 

The Democrats have one more hole card they can play: lawfare. They only need to hit him with one criminal conviction–they think–and he will crumble. 

I am not so sure. The lawfare doesn’t seem to be harming Trump in the polls either, and if the conviction is federal, Trump could get elected and still win, pardoning himself. New York and Georgia are trying on the state level and may well get convictions, but there is no way that Trump will wind up in jail before November. 

The appeals process on those cases could be glorious to watch, as liberal heads explode when Trump strolls into the Oval Office as a “convicted felon” still appealing his cases. 

Very Latin American of us. 

Read the full article here
