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TDS in One Video



Occasionally when I run across something that captures a phenomenon well, I remember to download it for later use. 

Instead of forgetting it in my Twitter bookmarks, I can forget I have it on my computer, which is a great advance. At least I might run across it at some later date. 

That happened to me yesterday as I was cleaning up my computer desktop, which currently contains thousands of files and 6 GB of data. 

Ugh. It rivals my Inbox, which has 48,000 messages, and for some reason, the VIP folders don’t work all the time. It’s stressful. 

Still, I don’t regret saving some of the stuff because it can be useful at times if I remember or find it, and that is the case with this video I downloaded. 

It is 3+ minutes of Trump Derangement Syndrome on display. 

Now there is nothing special about TDS driving Establishment figures nuts, admittedly. Over the past 8 years it has been a large part of daily discourse. So large, in fact, that it has become background noise for many people. 

But that is actually a bad thing because we need to look the insanity in the eye and realize that these are the people who control most aspects of our public life, and they are literally deranged and dangerous. They have no grounding in reality. It is like looking at schizophrenics who have control of dangerous weapons. 

I don’t share this to enrage you, believe it or not. Nor do I want you to hate these people, although it is hard not to given how many of them are proven liars driven to be so due to their own hatred. 

But we need a reminder of how huge the stakes are in this election, and for people like me who, frankly, don’t like Donald Trump the man, that his victory this November stands between us and these people seizing even more control of our public life.

So far they have lied to courts, subverted the FBI, censored Americans, perpetrated one hoax after another, sent the FBI to people’s homes to intimidate them for their speech, and changed election laws without legal authority. 

General Mark Milley assured the Chinese military that he would take control of the military if Trump did something he didn’t approve of, which is arguably treason. 

However flawed Trump is as a man, he was actually a good president from 2017-2019 (2020 was a disaster), and he certainly displayed no tendencies to tyranny. Joe Biden is subverting multiple Supreme Court decisions right now (student loans, anyone?) and musing about packing the courts to ensure that our Constitutional order is reshaped to his liking. 

Does anybody seriously believe that Trump is going to be having people shot, putting up concentration camps, or any of the other insane things he is being accused of? It seems unlikely, given that he has been president already and showed no such tendencies. Instead, we see military leaders vowing to subvert their Commander in Chief. 

These people are the Deep State we keep getting warned about–and that the New York Times just called awesome. 

Those clips in the video are from supposedly legitimate news sources, and it is a steady stream of obvious lies intended to justify subversion of the Democratic process–as are all these phony legal cases that just HAPPEN to coincide with the presidential campaign. 

Coincidence? I think not. 

It’s no secret that I vastly preferred Ron DeSantis. I still believe he would be a more effective president and do wonders in two terms. I will not hesitate to vote for Trump as an alternative to these tyrants who will stoop to any means to get their way. 

Whether you think the elections are rigged or not, the fact is that there is a margin of cheating that can’t be exceeded. At least I think so. If an election isn’t close, it can’t be stolen. 

This election can’t be close, at least not in the swing states. Biden can run up the vote totals in New York and California and it makes no difference. The election is decided in a few states, and we must win those. 

Trump currently is ahead in them, and if you live in a swing state, work your tail off to get people motivated. Break some glass and make people crawl over it for practice if you have to. 

Look at the past 3 years. Compare them to Trump’s first 3 years, and tell me that Joe Biden has not been a disaster for both the country and the world. War, terrorism, economic hardship, destruction of our electric grid, lawfare, censorship, and the alphabet insanity…

The list is long and depressing as hell. 

If Trump makes you cringe, compare that to Biden, because that is the alternative. If Trump makes you cheer, get off your butt and help him win. 

Whatever you do, though, make sure you get your ballot in as soon as you can. 

Read the full article here
