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Taylor Lorenz Celebrates at the Pornhub Awards




So many people who inhabit the highest echelons of power and prestige in our society are a bunch of sickos. Disgusting, perverted, depraved sickos. 

Did I say they were sickos? If not, let me do so now. They are scum of the earth. 

Taylor Lorenz has been on a crusade against Chaya Raichick because she believes that Chaya isn’t embracing enough of alphabet ideology. As LibsofTikTok, Chaya has been exposing the grooming of America’s children by a depraved establishment, and Lorenz thinks that this hurts children. 

How can kids become well-adjusted and mentally healthy without being exposed to porn in grade school?

Of course, Lorenz would claim it is not porn; it is educational material. Nobody would approve of actual pornography, right?

Yeah, well, not so much. Lorenz, it seems, loves it so much that she was partying down at the Pornhub awards, posting images and videos of her living it up among the pornorati. 

Pornhub has famously been waging a war against age verification in several states, working to ensure that there is unfettered access for people of all ages to enjoy their products. They even knowingly distribute pornography that uses underage children and is very slow to take it down.

Taylor Lorenz not only parties with them, but does so in a mask. 

I suppose wearing a mask and gloves in a place filled with people whose employment is likely to spread some horrific diseases might make sense, but what would make even more sense is not PARTYING AT ALL with such people, or thanking them for inviting you to do so. 

The sheer depravity is mindboggling. Taylor Lorenz campaigns to force people to mask, pushes for pornography in schools, and hangs out with amateur adult film stars who make money by exploiting children. 

In a sane world, I would say it doesn’t make sense, but in the world we live in today, it makes perfect sense. Sexual depravity is the only kind of freedom that matters to our elite, and children are a burden who may as well be farmed for sexual satisfaction. 

Lorenz has survived many a layoff at the Washington Post, which long ago gave up the news business and turned into a propaganda machine pushing the narratives that the elite wants to be pushed. 

Porn for all is one of those narratives. 

The backlash against age verification for visiting porn sites is a wonder to watch. Seemingly sane people are conjuring up the most absurd justifications for not protecting children from the lures of pornography. 

The problem is so bad that when I go to confession one of the pieces of literature they hand out is how to break porn addiction. Almost everybody in America views porn, and any impediment to instant and free access is seen as an abridgement of our freedom. 

When I go to buy a bottle of wine most stores request ID from everyone. I am nearly 60 and I have to show ID. 

A 10-year-old can log onto Pornhub without a single impediment. 15% of kids 10 and under have already watched porn, and by 12-13 almost everybody has. 

You don’t have to be a prude to worry about this. Plenty of studies show that kids are deeply harmed by pornography as it creates unrealistic and damaging expectations for how human beings should relate. 

And Taylor Lorenz is proud to party with these sickos. 

In a mask though. You have to have your priorities. 

Read the full article here
