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Support for climate policies and the Green movement not polling so well in Germany



I can’t imagine why not, when their hyper-restrictive, overly regimented life style devoted to saving the plant is bringing them nothing but happiness and prosperity.

But, it’s not just the inconveniences of sky rocketing utility prices, threats of brown and blackouts, nor wondering where the euros will come from to do all that expensive retrofitting they’ll soon be mandating your 15th century house has to have.

Nope. It seems a fair amount of the general disgust has to do with the climate activists themselves. It turns out, half of your everyday Frauen und Herren are just tired of their virtue signaling, inconvenient as hell, mindlessly destructive theatrical BS.

Take these numbskulls a little over a week ago, gluing their hands to the street or doing the non-violent protest jellyflop.

To get his paws off the road – the road filled with cars containing people who need to be somewhere – they have to destroy a section of the road, because the moo-ron used an epoxy based glue. He’ll probably lose a finger or a chunk of hand – or all of the above – getting that piece of macadam off of his palm.

Who, especially those caught in traffic, feels bad for him? And what support has he raised for his supposedly noble cause?


It was just another in a line of selfish, grandstanding stunts, as more and more Germans are coming to realize and are more willing to speak out about. The survey conducted by More in Common, an international research group focusing on polarizations and social divisions etc,, asked some pretty straight forward questions. As a liberal group, they couldn’t be too thrilled with the answers they got, which led them to unhappy conclusions.

Massive shifts in the assessment of the climate movement

We have to say right at the beginning: The shifts in the assessment of the climate and environmental movement are significant. The general willingness to support climate protectors has de facto halved since 2021, from 68 to 34 percent. It is also striking that agreement with the statement “The climate and environmental movement in Germany has the well-being of society as a whole in mind” has fallen from 60 to 25 percent. Many people who, .two years ago, still considered the climate movement to be an actor beneficial to society as a whole, apparently no longer do so

Jeez. I wonder why? They also note that cratering of support for the climate movement is distributed equally through all six of their delineated focus groups. There’s not one holdout in any of the six still clinging to the “tree huggers know best, so let them guide us” vision of a better, greener world.

Those same six groups are universal in their condemnation of the climate activist stunts. Overwhelmingly across the board the respondents were telling the researchers, while they felt protecting the climate was an imperative, the route climate activists were taking with their rapidly ratcheting-up performative theater was outside of enough.

…Currently, 85 percent of those surveyed judge that the climate and environmental movement “often goes too far with their protest actions”, with broad majorities in all types of society. For comparison: In 2021 only around half of the respondents said this – with large differences between more supportive and more critical segments. Today, on the other hand, there is new unanimity when it comes to the negative verdict . If we then ask people specifically whether they actually have more understanding or no understanding for the roadblocks of the “last generation”, only 8 percent express understanding. 85 percent react with incomprehension.

And that although in our (additionally carried out) qualitative research talks, many people recognize the fundamental need for strong action for climate protection, and partly defend the roadblocks on this level! It is possible for many people to reject the concrete protests in their design and still know about the importance of climate commitment. For most people, however, the motive of climate urgency (“something has to be done”) does not replace the question of how to proceed with actions and to whomone directs oneself with actions. And in this respect, the most important point seems to many to be that it is not right to want to hit citizens directly in their everyday lives with campaigns.

Across the board, “IT IS NOT RIGHT” to hit citizens in their everyday lives.

Which is the only schtick climate freaks have and they have been escalating the scale of their disruptions AND destructions.

The German government – itself in the thrall of Green Party activists, as its entire hierarchy is basically party leadership elected to public office – is reluctantly beginning to crack down on the climate cult shock troops as it comes to the realization it is jeopardizing both its stated NetZero mission as well as its own popularity and power.

The problem with the lunatic extremists they’ve allowed to flourish is that they will become even more extreme and violent as the pressure from increased law enforcement actions. Civilians have also started taking matters into their own hands as temperatures heat up and patience wears awfully thin.

The early 70s were ugly in Germany with the Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe and Red Army group terrorizing the country.

The current crop of radical climate cultists have the same wiring.

The escalation is going to have to be handled rapidly, firmly, and oh, so unconditionally.

Read the full article here
