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Suicidal civilization considers blocking the sun’s light



Apparently, it’s not going to be enough to take away your cars, your air conditioners, your gas stoves or even your pizza. The demands of the Climate Goddess must be met and she wants more. Much, much more. As a result, a group of climate alarmists are now literally studying ways to block the rays of the sun. It’s a geoengineering project known as Solar Radiation Modification (SRM). And while they haven’t announced any changes to their current global warming plans, the White House is considering SRM and even mentioned it in a recent congressionally mandated report on the subject. (Politico)

The White House offered measured support for the idea of studying how to block sunlight from hitting Earth’s surface as a way to limit global warming, in a congressionally mandated report that could help bring efforts once confined to science fiction into the realm of legitimate debate.

The controversial concept known as solar radiation modification is a potentially effective response to fighting climate change, but one that could have unknown side effects stemming from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, some scientists say.

The White House report released late Friday indicates that the Biden administration is open to studying the possibility that altering sunlight might quickly cool the planet. But it added a degree of skepticism by noting that Congress has ordered the review, and the administration said it does not signal any new policy decisions related to a process that is sometimes referred to — or derided as — geoengineering.

So how do these maniacs plan to blot out the sun, even partially? Even Elon Musk would be unable to construct a sufficiently large parasol in orbit to block much of our star’s light. But a few other ideas are being floated, all of them carrying the potential to cause even more damage to the actual climate. Here are just a few:

  • Increase aerosols in the stratosphere
  • Increase cloud cover over the oceans (?!)
  • Decrease the number and density of cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere
  • Wrap the entire planet in aluminum foil (Okay… I made that last one up)

Even the people proposing this insanity know that it’s dangerous. Vastly shifting the levels of aerosols in the atmosphere could produce significant and unpredictable changes in global weather patterns. Desertification and massive flooding could show up in unanticipated places. Droughts could slash global food production. And the effect that such plans would have on the fundamental chemical makeup of the atmosphere is unknown.

Some of you are probably already wondering why such plans would be considered. After all, most climate schemes are designed to make money for their liberal sponsors who build green energy projects such as wind farms and solar collectors, all paid for by generous taxpayer-funded subsidies from the government. Who would be getting rich from blocking the sun’s light?

Well, somebody will have to design, build, and deploy all of that aerosol-generating equipment, right? And there will probably be huge planes involved somewhere in the process. There will be money to be made and more government subsidies to cover it all. So somebody will be getting rich in the end. (Spoiler alert: It will not be you.)

Read the full article here
